Yes, as I have been saying for months now, this has to end with a general election. Quite soon. Where I disagree with this is that proroguing parliament is an option. Parliament is going to stop it, and even if parliament didn't stop it, The Queen would not agree to it, because it would threaten the constitutional position of the monarchy. There would be a very real possibility of a Corbyn government coming under pressure to get rid of the monarchy.We agree with Andrew Lilico, who writes in the Daily Telegraph that whoever is chosen as party leader, and by extension as prime minister, will end up facing a general election. We disagree with his and other commentators’ inference that it would only take three or so Tory MPs to secure a majority in a no-confidence vote. For starters, a vote of no confidence would trigger immediate elections. Even if you find ten Tory MPs who might be willing to lose their seats on a matter of principle, you may find that there are opposition MPs who do not - including the five remaining in Change UK and the six who recently defected from that party. Also, if the sole purpose is to get Brexit over the line, a vote of no confidence is the most likely scenario in which a prime minister might be tempted to use prorogation. In that situation the question of proroguing vs not proroguing is one between facing the electorate not having delivered Brexit, and facing the electorate right after a no-deal Brexit. Each alternative has its own risks, but we think that not delivering Brexit is politically more risky.
I think there's going to be a general election in August.