Do you believe that the current recession is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with rising energy prices?
And the recent reports of unconventionals projects being shelved due to low oil prices as a result of falling demand are fabricated? More peaknik propaganda, engineered by spies in the mainstream press? ... php?t=9352 ... php?t=9147The plunge in oil prices toward $80 a barrel will curtail oil companies' spending on new projects, limit production growth and perpetuate the industry's tendency for boom and bust.
The surge in oil prices since 2004, to an all-time high above $147 a barrel in July, supported an explosion in spending on new oil and gas projects that is now at risk as recession fears prompt analysts to drop crude price forecasts sharply.
CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - A double whammy of tumbling crude prices and shaky credit markets could force some companies to delay multibillion-dollar Canadian oil sands projects, cutting the country's overall output forecast.
I notice you had nothing at all to say on either of those threads RGR.
Of course the 'cheap unconventionals' will already have been exploited. But the 'unconventionals' the world will be relying on in the future are those which are not yet even classified as 'reserves' it seems - at least according to the Chairman of Shell UK, who said exactly this at an event I attended yesterday - and which require high oil prices for them to be reclassified from 'resources' to 'reserves'.
Should we believe the Chairman of Shell UK, or should we believe you RGR?