Ultimately this all comes down to the economic system that we live in that has been designed by the 0.1% that benefits them the most. However the way it is set up and run, it gives the illusion that there is something for the masses. ICH has a timely link to Adam Curtis's Century of the Selfvtsnowedin wrote:The problem you will have is not with those very few at the top but with the two or three billion in the middle which will fight over which half dies and which half wins. My guess is that the western world which all has fertility rates at or below replacement will decide that their third of the seven billion are the winners and will seek ways to set the other two thirds against each other to mutually wipe each other out. That two thirds will use all the fossil fuel they can get their hands on in the war effort to be the victors. You can't tell them they have to fight it out with stone tipped spears because some of them already have working nukes.kenneal - lagger wrote:They will die anyway if they burn it through the gross overheating of atmosphere that burning it will cause and the subsequent rise in sea level and loss of prime agricultural land. As someone else said, "The human population is in overshoot."
The difference is that a lot more of the ecosystems upon which we rely will survive if we leave the stuff in the ground and so will a lot more of the people. Burn it and you will destroy most of the ecosystems which support us and even more people will die.
From the propaganda point of view, dig it up and burn it and a few very rich but incredibly stupid people will make a lot more money. Leave it in the ground and a few very rich but incredibly stupid people will make less money and might even go to the wall (we can only hope) and the rest of us might get to enjoy our lives a bit more.
Not a hard choice in my book.
The bottom line is that warning signs - such as Limits to Growth and Peak Oil are direct challenges to this headless mindset. Instead of being tackled intelligently they have been decried to keep the illusion going.
The basis of the oxymoronic "Sustainable Development" is increasingly larger amounts of debt - which is becoming unrepayable (if it was ever repayable in the first place)
Which brings us back full circle:
Zero Hedge: Two More Energy Companies File for Chapter 11