I'm working on a game that 'simulates' the impacts of PO+CC, but to be honest the potential impacts that we are already seeing and the disasters that are occuring scares me, I often find that I need to watch a good zombie flick just to unwind (I wish I was joking)!
My game is here
http://SaveTheSillyEarthlings.com and I even have a rule set for a card game version so no excusses (unless you don't have a pack of cards and a candle)!
What about 'Power to the People!' ;o)
And by this I actully mean putting in a massive effort into greener homes and energy, as I expect that once we start going downhill into post peak energy the cost of living is going to shoot up unless you have a nice green energy buffer to mitigate the impacts on our economy.
How are the north sea oil and gas fields doing at the moment?