UK bankruptcies in the news

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Post by biffvernon »

I thought Euroland was somewhere else.
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Post by Sand Dancer Nick »

In Malta there was a TALLIRA shop we went into in 2002 when we were on a cheap holiday there - Maltese Lira Land we called it, though 1 lira was 50p or something stupid like that.

In Denmark there was a chain called TIGER which might as well have been called Kronerland - everything was the equivalent of a quid back in 2005.

Poundland . . . the shop that is the biggest plastic pumpkin seller since Wallymart, some of that tat might be used as fuel one day when I need to cook my freshly roadkilled(by MZBs) meat over a bonfire . . .
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Post by skeptik »

MisterE wrote:I know it sounds crazy but I think quality shops will do well.
Not so sure about that. Discretionary spending will be the first to go. Shops like Whittards (already in trouble) and Body Shop, which thrive solely on optional luxury goods.

More likely there will be a race to the bottom, with Asda and Tesco ending up in a price cutting death struggle. Online retailers should do well due to their lower overheads.

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Post by MisterE »

skeptik wrote:
MisterE wrote:I know it sounds crazy but I think quality shops will do well.
Not so sure about that. Discretionary spending will be the first to go. Shops like Whittards (already in trouble) and Body Shop, which thrive solely on optional luxury goods.

More likely there will be a race to the bottom, with Asda and Tesco ending up in a price cutting death struggle. Online retailers should do well due to their lower overheads.

Regarding Tesco and ASDA you are 100%! bang on with that, 100% I think what I should add is quality practical & household goods. I'm probably just praying we dont go further down the tat road I dont think I could take it ;-)
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Post by clv101 »

There goes Zavvi. Zavvi is what became of Virgin Megastores, it was formed in September 2007 when a management buy-out team purchased the company from Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Group.

So this month we've lost:
MFI, Woolworths, Whittards, The Officers Club and Zavvi.
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Post by Sand Dancer Nick »

[quote="clv101"]There goes zavvi

And here comes Bod :lol:
'The honey bee is vital to the environment! Every year in America, they pollinate six billion dollars worth of crops! If you kill the bee, you're gonna kill the crop! If you kill the plants, you'll kill the people!'
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Post by JohnB »

clv101 wrote:So this month we've lost:
MFI, Woolworths, Whittards, The Officers Club and Zavvi.
That list is quite reassuring for me. It proves that my attempts to escape consumerism are working. I knew MFI (but gave up buying flat pack tat years ago) and Woolies, but I'd never heard of the other three, so won't miss them at all :D. Not so good for the unemployed workers though.

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Post by Vortex »

The Officers Club was bought by ... the MD of The Officers Club .. post-admin so many of the debts have been wiped.

The phrase 'conflict of interest' springs to mind ...
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Post by Sand Dancer Nick »

Halfords have been laying people off in a big way - you can't get someone to fit a headlight bulb and a checkout woman was complaining she was overworked and they were understaffed at the Newport branch, she should be lucky she still has a job. None of this is any good for people who have lost jobs and have kids to feed - this seems to be the only place to go for small car spares to avoid being fleeced by main dealers.

But Halfords do make their money on bikes - doomer transportation!

Lets not forget Morrisons could be in a price war as well as Asda WallyMart and Tesco.
'The honey bee is vital to the environment! Every year in America, they pollinate six billion dollars worth of crops! If you kill the bee, you're gonna kill the crop! If you kill the plants, you'll kill the people!'
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Post by JohnB »

I was in a Halfords near Reading yesterday. I was after a couple of bits for my trailer. I was unsure about one bit, and asked the spotty juvenile assistant, who assured me it was ok. The other bit was crap, and could have shorted out my lighting if I hadn't realised it. I bought the right item for the one that was wrong from a caravan service business operating from their back garden for half the price!

Hope Halfords don't go bust before I get my fiver back!

The trouble is that these big chains have put the small local suppliers out of business, so as SDN says, they're about all we've got and without them stuff just won't be readily available.

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Post by oilslick »

I reckon the oh my god moment will be Boots...remember where you heard it first. ... redictions :wink:

Got Woolies...just!
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Post by Andy Hunt »

oilslick wrote:I reckon the oh my god moment will be Boots...
Well I hope it's not before I have chance to take back the faulty wind-up radio I got this morning as a gift bought from them!! :lol:
Andy Hunt
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Post by Totally_Baffled »

Childrenswear retailer Adams has applied for administration....

Thats another one gone... :cry:

2,000 jobs gone...

Peak oil? ahhh smeg..... :(
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Post by tomhitchman »

Fashion vendor USC became the latest casualty of the decline in consumer spending ... 23e80.html
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Post by biffvernon »

Waterford Crystal:
Waterford Wedgwood, the maker of glassware and china, will fall into administration today - 250 years after it was founded - after failing to secure new funding.

The company, famous for its Waterford Crystal and Royal Doulton brands, ran out of time in its attempt to raise up to £200m in fresh capital. It said this morning that Deloitte will be appointed as receiver and administrator, but insisted that the firm could keep running. ... -recession
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