UndercoverElephant wrote:If just two tory MPs in strongly remain-voting seats defect to the libdems, Johnson's working majority has gone and he will probably lose a VonC. And those MPs would stand an excellent chance of holding on to their seats.
Who do you have in mind? Which Tories are currently sitting in strong remain seats, where they could defect, stand as LibDem and win?
Take Richmond Park 71% remain, Zac Goldsmith won with 28,588 votes in 2017... problem is Lib Dems were 2nd with Sarah Olney getting 28,543 votes! Goldsmith can't defect to LibDems - they already have a 'real' Lib Dem candidate, they would never chose him over Olney.
Chelsea and Fulham is more interesting, again 71% remain with Tory Greg Hands holding a large majority over Labour. He could defect to Lib Dems and stand on their pro-remain ticket... however, Lib Dems only took 11% of the vote in 2017. It would be an incredible swing for them to win (only 5.2% in 2015).
Hard to see where a Tory could defect and stand on a LibDim ticket with any chance of winning. In strong remain areas, Lib Dems already have well established local parties and candidates - they are unlikely to accept a turn-coat Tory.
So yes, a few pro-remain Tories could defect, bring Boris down through losing a vote of no confidence - however, they'd probably go on to lose the seats in the following election.