Savile, Politicians and Dignitories

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Post by MisterE »

"I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that." — Thomas Edison, 1931
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Post by RenewableCandy »

Why is MacWotsit successfully extracting money out of the Venerable Beeb for the Newsnight incident, when he wasn't even bloody mentioned on Newsnight??

And we don't know that he's innocent of the allegation anyway.
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Post by Little John »

RenewableCandy wrote:Why is MacWotsit successfully extracting money out of the Venerable Beeb for the Newsnight incident, when he wasn't even bloody mentioned on Newsnight??

And we don't know that he's innocent of the allegation anyway.
His wasn't the only name of the powerful circulating on the web. There is a far bigger political name directly linked to Saville and a kids home that was used to supply kids. Whether that list is true, partially true or even only half true, I am convinced that Saville could not have got away with the sheer profligacy of his abuse over several decades without being protected by powerful people and the only logical conclusion that can be drawn from the existence of such protection is that he had something on them.

That panorama programme also made mention of his boast that he could never be removed from his Radio 1 post on the grounds of sexual misconduct because he could take half the station down with him. He also made regular mention of how he was seen in the circles of the rich and powerful and being the "fixer" and about how he could make things "happen". On the one hand, one might assume this to be the egotistical ramblings of a man who was legend in his own lunchtime. However, given all that we now know, I wonder if his boasts had a significant degree of truth to them.

In any event, we wont get to hear the half of it. All we will get is s few has-been celebrities, who will no doubt deserve what's coming, thrown to the baying media. Meanwhile all the big fish will remain untouched and the many kids whose lives were blighted will remain without justice just like they have remained without justice for decades already.
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Post by biffvernon »

I almost had some sympathy for MacWotsit until he started demanding cash. £185k of our money from the BBC and unspecified amounts demanded with menaces from anyone who hit the retweet button on a silly tweet. Nah, I'm happy to believe he never touched a child wrongly but that man is wrong in other ways.

Nobody should take anything said on twitter or facebook seriously without independent corroboration. The law should take that into account.
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Post by Tarrel »

RenewableCandy wrote:Why is MacWotsit successfully extracting money out of the Venerable Beeb for the Newsnight incident, when he wasn't even bloody mentioned on Newsnight??

And we don't know that he's innocent of the allegation anyway.
This is what makes this case interesting. As someone said on the radio the other day; "the law is entering new territory." It could be said that Newsnight sowed the seed for the internet-based speculation that followed. So, in that respect, are they culpable? Maybe.

As for the aggrieved party claiming damages, I say full marks to him. Users of social media need to understand that, when they "write things down" (as my wife puts it), they are accountable for what they've written. (It would be nice to see him donating said damages to charity however. Childline perhaps?)
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Post by alex »

And it still goes on. More scandal around the dear old Beeb

From the Daily Mail 64 YEAR OLD & 74 YEAR OLD ARRESTED

They might not have been named but doesn't take much to work out.

If it wasn't for pick-pockets & frisking at airports, I'd have no sex life at all .................Rodney Dangerfield.
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