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Films for a Change, Banbury

Posted: 23 Feb 2008, 05:09
by mobbsey
Films for a Change

A series of films and discussion evenings on climate change, food and the future change to society that peak oil and resource depletion will bring in the 21st Century

All the screenings will take place at
7.45pm, The Friends Meeting House, Horsefair, Banbury

Entry to the films is free, but we would welcome a small donation to cover the costs of running the events. Refreshments will be available for a small fee.

For further details see the web site at or email

Download a poster for the events from

Spring/Summer programme

Tuesday 4th March - The End of Suburbia
To begin the series, a film that lays out the links between our modern lifestyle and the supply of oil and why the global peak in oil production will change the way we live in the future.

Tuesday 1st April - Escape from Suburbia
The sequel to End of Suburbia, it follows different people searching for ways to change their lives and prepare for peak oil. From eco-villages to community supported agriculture it highlights the best way to start... small and simple.

Tuesday 6th May - The Power of Community
"How Cuba Survived Peak Oil" - a film about how Cuba as forced to adapt to living without oil when it's major oil supplies were cut in the early 1990s. It highlights the importance of food supply in the post-peak oil era.

Tuesday 3rd June - The True Cost of Food & The Story of Stuff
Two short films on our consumption of resources: The True Cost of Food looks at the impact of modern farming and food distribution; The Story of Stuff looks at the way we manufacture consumer goods and how it affects the planet.

Tuesday 1st July - Peak Oil and Energy (to be confirmed)
A film examining the more technical geological and economic restrictions on our use of energy and resources, and why our use of fossil fuels, and also renewable energy sources, will be limited in the future.