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Name for new web application needed
Posted: 19 Apr 2007, 08:31
by PowerSwitchJames
Hi folks,
We've been developing (slowly, for sometime, but now put it in to high gear) a web-application that is designed to make linking up with people in the UK who are interested in raising awareness of Peak Oil and similar subjects very easy. In essence, it is a lot like but with a totally UK bias.
However, the one thing we don't really have for it is a name / domain name.
We've had a few suggestions (, peakoilweb.***, peakoilawareness.*** )
We hope to have a working version of this app in about 1 month, and we need a name for it, so if you have any suggestions for what it could be called, please let me know.
Posted: 19 Apr 2007, 09:01
by clv101
Could it be part of the Powerswitch domain?
Something like that?
Posted: 19 Apr 2007, 11:39
by PowerSwitchJames
In theory, yes, but there are some complicated hosting issues. If we had a PHP expert on hand to help us out, we could do it that way.
Posted: 19 Apr 2007, 22:40
by RevdTess
When I had the idea of doing a green networking site a while ago I was going to call it "GreensGathering" which had the advantage that the website was available (i owned it for a while but never got around to using it).
Posted: 20 Apr 2007, 05:52
by isenhand
How about links UK?
Posted: 20 Apr 2007, 09:00
by Keela
I wonder should the name look towards the future... rather than backwards... (peak oil names are somehow backward looking - most people will take up interest once peak is recognised as past?).
These are just a few off the top of my head (while waiting for a class to arrive
Posted: 20 Apr 2007, 10:25
by Erik
isenhand wrote:How about links UK?
"Links UK" ??
Sounds like a dating service, which is perhaps not such a bad idea!
Posted: 20 Apr 2007, 11:05
by PowerSwitchJames
Sally, thank you, you've given me a great idea...but I'm not going to share it
Posted: 20 Apr 2007, 20:05
by Keela
PowerSwitchJames wrote:Sally, thank you, you've given me a great idea...but I'm not going to share it
Please tell me you meant to add the word "yet" to the end of this quote?
Posted: 22 Apr 2007, 19:52
by RogerCO
Rather than fragmenting the movement further why not hook in to an already mushrooming UK movement - transition towns.
If what you are thinking of is something like the US link in your original post then checkout
Posted: 24 Apr 2007, 09:57
by PowerSwitchJames
Hi Roger, the new app does things quite differently to the Transition Towns Wiki...however, I do have it in mind that it will benefit Transition Towns...which reminds me I must call Rob!
Posted: 24 Apr 2007, 10:11
by Andy Hunt
How about "Geopower" after Buckminster Fuller's geodesic dome design . . . ?
"Icos" (after the icosahedral shape from half of which which each dome is made) . . . ?
Posted: 07 Dec 2009, 19:28
by Vortex
Blog spam ... sheesh ....
EDIT by adam2, the spam to which this post refers has been deleted.
Posted: 18 Nov 2010, 02:52
by LittleJohn
you would be best off learning PHP, this is used to comunicate with the database, it has a small learning curve and is very powerful.
and as they said, you should learn HTML and css, where html is 100% required to write web apps.
myrtle beach family vacation
Posted: 18 Nov 2010, 09:32
by Vortex
Spam. Back link to raise Google profile.