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BBC R4 TODAY - You And Yours

Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 02:49
by Bandidoz
On Tuesday the Conservative leader David Cameron will be with us live to take your calls on everything from the NHS to education, disability issues, youth, green energy and the environment, public transport and the Olympics. What will you ask him?
Suggest pointing out that the NHS etc depend on energy and the Labour Government has been derelict in its duty to plan to maintain security of supply.

Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 07:41
by biffvernon
and the Olympics. What will you ask him?
Would you advocate holding all the races in giant hamster wheels so we can at least get a bit of the energy back?

Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 10:22
by Silas
Ask him if it would be possible to move all cycling events to indoor exercise bikes connected to the grid. this together with biffvernons suggestion would go towards making the games carbon nuteral.