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blog on
Posted: 29 Aug 2006, 17:15
by mikepepler
There's a new blog started up at, which is a fairly popular site I think. Perhaps we could all take the time to add comments mentioning Peak Oil on to the topics there, where relevant of course!
Posted: 29 Aug 2006, 19:06
by Bandidoz
Hmmm I wonder what was said in the "removed" comments.....
Let's see if Number 692 remains here.... ... omment-692
Petrol is TOO CHEAP.
10 years ago I could turn up at a beach or campsite, and have no trouble finding a space. These days, you have to book everything, months in advance. Roads are clogged up. Lots of complaints about fuel prices but people continue to occupy the roads. Then there's the issues of Peak Oil, and there not being enough land to grow biofuels. Time to kick the habit I'm afraid.
Posted: 30 Aug 2006, 00:04
by clv101
Here's my contribution:
I think we've had it pretty easy with petrol prices over the last few years. I haven't run the numbers on all countries but I expect UK fuel prices have risen LESS than almost anywhere else in the world over the last three years.
I've written an article here that details just how the price at the pump is comprised of the product, the duty and the tax, showing how the total tax take has fallen in real terms over recent years and also showing what impact oil price changes has on the sticker price:
Number 694: ... omment-694
The site is run by (Fubra Ltd) who are the same people who recent bought (and nearly killed it with advertising causing many members to defect to
Posted: 30 Aug 2006, 08:06
by mikepepler
It's probably worth keeping an eye out for new topics coming up, so one (or more) of us can get a post in near the top.
Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 08:42
by clv101