Hydrogen fuel from corn husks could displace petrol

Is the proposed 'Hydrogen Economy' going to save the human race or is it all an energy sink that provides no viable answer?

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Hydrogen fuel from corn husks could displace petrol

Post by Mark »

http://www.edie.net/news/6/Hydrogen-fue ... newsletter

Scientists from Virginia Tech University have found a cheap, efficient way to produce hydrogen fuel using corn waste which could revolutionise law-carbon transport. The research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and funded by Shell, "has the potential to enable the widespread use of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles around the world and displace fossil fuels," according to lead author Joe Rollin. Unlike other hydrogen fuel production methods that rely on highly processed sugars and natural gas, the Virginia Tech team used dirty biomass – the husks and stalks of corn plants – to create their fuel.

One of the main criticisms of hydrogen cars is that the production of the hydrogen itself can be an energy-intensive process. But the new technique converts 100% of corn sugars into hydrogen fuel – nearly tripling the efficiency of currently available systems. The reaction rate of the process is also ten times faster than currently technologies, which reduces the initial expense of creating the fuel and enables the use of a fuel-source readily available near the processing plants.

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Post by emordnilap »

More reasons to cut down rainforests. More money for Monsanto!
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Little John

Post by Little John »


The problem isn't peak hydrocarbons or peak water or peak soil or peak anything else. These are all secondary to the main problem which is the number of humans on this planet. Industrial society humans just bring the problem forwards a little (well, okay, it brings it forwards by quite a lot). Mostly it's about the numbers. In the end, it's all about the numbers.

There are just too damned many of us.
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