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US Energy security compromised attacks on coal plants!!

Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 18:20
by kenneal - lagger
From The Powerswitch Peak Oil Daily this blog from the US Chamber of Commerce shows just how backward US commercial thinking is, especially compared to the US military who totally understand the problems of climate change. They describe the US EPAs attempts to regulate coal fired power stations as attacks!
For instance, EPA’s mercury regulation is expected to shut down nearly 50 gigawatts of coal-fired electricity production, reducing energy diversity and making the power grid less resilient.
No thought about the costs of the pollution from mercury or the poisoning of people who breath in that pollution. but then all those poisoned people will require medical treatment by the chamber's members which all adds to GDP and Growth. So poisoning people is good for the economy let alone the members.

F***ing bonkkers! Criminally bonkers!

Posted: 07 Jan 2015, 14:43
by emordnilap
...and animals. We're all in this together, no matter how dismissive of wildlife many people might be.

Looky here:
Although mercury is present in our environment, most of the rising levels are attributed to mining and burning of coal and oil.