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Guerilla Gardening
Posted: 22 Jun 2005, 18:23
by theeggman
I love this idea.
Don't tell anyone it's me, but things are going to start sprouting around here!!!
guerilla gardening
Posted: 22 Jun 2005, 21:10
by Guest
Yes, it's a great idea.
Or it seemed like a good idea at the time, but after many hard initial months of cultivation, the web update manager seems to have had a couple of years off, possibly to smoke the fruits of his labour...
Posted: 22 Jun 2005, 21:22
by theeggman
It was a great idea only last week when Cre8 Summat made a beautiful garden and relaxation space in a derelict inner city area. It'll provide a beautiful space and possibly food too.
Posted: 22 Jun 2005, 23:30
by Rach121
Good idea.
I'm going to put some of these suggestions into practice. Our local police station front yard could do with brightening up. Actually, my children's school sorely needs a lovely garden and the kids could benefit from actually seeing vegetables growing.
Posted: 23 Jun 2005, 08:52
by theeggman
Rach - that's a wonderful idea. Every school should have a garden. I'd love to hear how you get on.
We have a community centre in our village and everone is always saying "wouldn't it look better with a few plants and a couple of hanging baskets" but no-one ever does anything about it. I suppose we are always waiting for "them" to either do something or to give us permission! You know when someone in a street, village or town starts the ball rolling by tidying up their front yard and putting a few baskets of flowers outside, somehow it's catching and more people join in and the whole area becomes transformed. As each project is noticed by others, then they might be encouraged to 'green up' their area. It's one enjoyable way of getting more plants and less derelict/empty spaces onto our planet.
I thought what happened in Glasgow last week was a wonderful example of how people can work together from all parts of the world without anyone being in charge, you can read Starhawk's accounts of it at: ... 005_3.html ... 005_4.html