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If Nothing Is Done, Expect Civilizations' Collapse By 2040

Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 05:19
by kenneal - lagger
UK Government Study Finds: If Nothing Is Done, Expect Civilizations' Collapse By 2040 - by Nafeez Ahmed

This new report vindicates the Limits to Growth study done in the 1970s. It says that it isn't a prediction but if nothing is done it is a probable outcome.

Frightening but expected by many here.

Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 06:55
by PS_RalphW
That was precisely the conclusion of the original limits to growth study. Multiple follow up studies have observed that in the last 40 years nothing significant has changed.

The original LTG was widely published and was discussed at the highest levels. This report has not even been published, and probably wont be.

Nothing will change.

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 03:49
by kenneal - lagger
Nothing will change until environmentalists keep writing to their MPs about it. At the moment virtually no one writes to their MPs about Climate Change and other environmental matters so their MPs don't see it as a problem. If they start getting a lot of letters from lots of different people they will see it as a problem to be addressed.

At the moment the lack of movement on climate change is as much the fault of environmentalists as it is government. If you can sit at your computer and write to this and other websites you can spare just a few moments to write a short missive to your MP.

If you're not spending that time you are just as responsible as s/he is.

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 08:15
by raspberry-blower

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 08:18
by biffvernon
When I asked my MP about climate change she said that Lincolnshire had a very nice landscape and she didn't want to see any more windfarms.

It didn't exactly encourage rational dialogue. :(

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 16:29
by kenneal - lagger
You should tell her that the Tories are only against on shore windfarms and that as Lincolnshire will be under water in a few years anyway they might as well allow some as it would be easier to build them. The ice packs are melting now so what will they be like with the full 2 degrees warming?

Have you sent her the article about the governments 2040 report and asked for her comments on that? You really should!

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 16:32
by kenneal - lagger
Sorry, R-B. I had a quick look to see if anyone had put this up but obviously missed your entry.