Increasing Eco-Terrorism

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Increasing Eco-Terrorism

Post by Snail »

Mexican Eco-Terrorists Declare War on Nanotechnology
Over the past two years, Mexican scientists involved in bio- and nanotechnology have become targets. They’re not threatened by the nation’s drug cartels. They’re marked for death by a group of bomb-building eco-terrorists with the professed goal of destroying human civilization.


“We have said it before, we act without any compassion in the feral defense of Wild Nature,” the manifesto states. “Did those who modify and destroy the Earth think their actions wouldn’t have repercussions? That they wouldn’t pay a price? If they thought so, they are mistaken.” The group threatens more bombings against Mexican scientists because “they must pay for what they are doing to the Earth.”

Technology should be destroyed; humans should revert to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle

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Post by emordnilap »

I have some sympathy with their cause, if not their methods. The people who they should be targeting - again, without condoning those methods - are those that drive and exploit the technology, not the scientists.
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Post by JavaScriptDonkey »

These self appointed eco-fascists should be hunted down like the petty psychopathic criminals that they are.
Little John

Post by Little John »

JavaScriptDonkey wrote:These self appointed eco-fascists should be hunted down like the petty psychopathic criminals that they are.
I agree with you.


One the one hand;

Companies of the likes of Monsanto et al push genetically modified super-cereals into the market such that they initially beat back the insects and other organisms that predate on them but which only encourage those organisms to evolve ever more aggressive means by which they predate in order to overcome the genetic modifications of the plant. All of which results in the requirement for the GM companies to come out with a new strain of the plant every few years just to keep ahead of the predators in a never ending arms race. All well and good for those farmers who choose to go down that route (and extremely good for the GM company who gets repeat business every few years). Not so good for those farmers who do not go down this route because those newly evolved super-predators also attack non-genetically modified plants whose defences are now useless against them. Thus, everyone gets dragged to the GM party kicking and screaming whether they want to or not. Or, at least, they do if they can afford to.

If they can't, then they must "make do" with their "inferior" non-GM plants and suffer reduced yields. We might typically expect this to be in poorer third world countries. People will no doubt go hungry as a result of the increased prices of the reduced yields. People may starve. People may die.

On the other hand;

Some dumb-ass eco-fascists kill some GM scientists.

The question I find myself asking is which of the above is not violence?

We are seeing the wholesale destruction of entire eco-systems and the poisoning of air, land and sea across the face of our mother Earth. We have tried to reason with ourselves as a species. We have tried to frighten ourselves into action. All to no avail. We are, at best, making the earth uninhabitable for human civilisation and, at worst, dragging half of the rest of life down to hell with us. Faced with this holocaust of nature, some humans are beginning to feel desperate. I know I am.

Some humans are even beginning to behave desperately.

What the hell did we expect?
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