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Economic reality is finally leaking out... albeit in code

Posted: 23 Oct 2012, 23:54
by mobbsey
King says banks must raise their capital levels
BBC News, 23rd October 2012
Speech by Mervyn King lays out reality of a lower growth/lower income world – albeit in economist-speak coded form...
"I am not sure that advanced economies in general will find it easy to get out of their current predicament without creditors acknowledging further likely losses, a significant writing down of asset values and recapitalisation of their financial systems"
The most significant asset group values in the UK are not stocks and shares, its house/land prices, and within that lies the "further likely losses" clause of the statement; and if that happens, that will only deepen the contraction of the economy. If only someone would say this in plain English! Pesto almost makes it in his comment article for the Beeb, although not many would struggle through that to find it.

Posted: 24 Oct 2012, 10:23
by emordnilap
Richard Douthwaite should be required reading.

Posted: 24 Oct 2012, 11:54
by stumuzz
More code ... -but-name/

As the pie shrinks the 50 million quid a day paid to the EU starts to look not so insignificant.

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 18:18
by cubes
Well, if the best the EU can come up with is mandating that old jam jars can't be reused by individuals to make jam and then sell it (at fairs, honesty box, etc) then it's £50m a day wasted. If the EU stuck to major points such as working time then it wouldn't be so bad, this just gives ammunition to the anti-EU people.

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 19:15
by SleeperService
cubes wrote:Well, if the best the EU can come up with is mandating that old jam jars can't be reused by individuals to make jam and then sell it (at fairs, honesty box, etc) then it's £50m a day wasted. If the EU stuck to major points such as working time then it wouldn't be so bad, this just gives ammunition to the anti-EU people.
You're not my brother Alex are you?

I've just been talking with him and this very subject came up. The EU's idea of recycling seems to be 'use it then reprocess it' and definitely not 'reuse'. As for 'reducing' they haven't a clue.
Worryingly this applies to industrial processes as well, in Germany there's a chemical plant whose waste gas is the raw material for another plant thirty miles up the road. They've had a battle royal to be allowed to transport it even though it's closer than the incinerator they would otherwise use!

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 19:23
by biffvernon
cubes wrote:Well, if the best the EU can come up with is mandating that old jam jars can't be reused by individuals to make jam and then sell it (at fairs, honesty box, etc) then it's £50m a day wasted.
That was a Daily Mailism, never a true story. The directive didn't apply to glass jars - it was about plastics that get contaminated.

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 19:35
by SleeperService
biffvernon wrote:
cubes wrote:Well, if the best the EU can come up with is mandating that old jam jars can't be reused by individuals to make jam and then sell it (at fairs, honesty box, etc) then it's £50m a day wasted.
That was a Daily Mailism, never a true story. The directive didn't apply to glass jars - it was about plastics that get contaminated.
I always suspected my brother was a Daily Mail reader :roll:

Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 12:48
by cubes
biffvernon wrote:
cubes wrote:Well, if the best the EU can come up with is mandating that old jam jars can't be reused by individuals to make jam and then sell it (at fairs, honesty box, etc) then it's £50m a day wasted.
That was a Daily Mailism, never a true story. The directive didn't apply to glass jars - it was about plastics that get contaminated.
Ok, I stand corrected (although I did hear about it on the BBC I think).

Daily Mailism - I like that :D

Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 18:31
by Tarrel
What is a mailism anyway? Some kind of behaviour episode that characterises men?

Wife: "you've left your darned gearbox in the bath again!"

Me: "Oh, sorry dear. It was just my daily male-ism." :D

Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 22:16
by PS_RalphW
I once shared a flat in London with two Scotish lads. Came home to find an entire car engine in the bath - on the second floor. Never got that bath clean again.

Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 22:29
by Tarrel
RalphW wrote:I once shared a flat in London with two Scotish lads. Came home to find an entire car engine in the bath - on the second floor. Never got that bath clean again.
What were they doing; changing the plugs?

Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 23:08
by UndercoverElephant
RalphW wrote:I once shared a flat in London with two Scotish lads. Came home to find an entire car engine in the bath - on the second floor. Never got that bath clean again.

Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 23:39
by Tarrel
UndercoverElephant wrote:
RalphW wrote:I once shared a flat in London with two Scotish lads. Came home to find an entire car engine in the bath - on the second floor. Never got that bath clean again.
"Like I told you dear, we have to keep the used engine oil in the bath so we can turn it into biodiesel. Now stop complaining. It's your turn for a stint on the bicycle powered generator."

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 07:54
by Catweazle
"Cleopatra wasn't impressed, perhaps there was another use for the oil that oozed up in her garden....."