DominicJ wrote:Fine.
We burn coal containing 100 units of energy in an electricity plant to transform it into electricity contain 60 units of energy.
Energy invested is less than energy returned.
i think EROEI refers to resource extraction /raw energy generation only.
Coal->electricity->end user is like comparing raw joules in food to Joules expended by your hands and feet.
Along the scale energy is turned into information. electricity is generated because it can perform more varied tasks than coal. (similarly food can allow your hands to perform more varied tasks).
perhaps when economics is working right, profit measures how efficiently energy is being turned into information?
in the coal electricity example you'd have to compare the power station to delivering coal and having mini coal-powered electricity generation in peoples homes (the energy required to build lots of small devices)
Interestingly I've heard of people trying to make fuel cells for natural-gas -> electricity which might save transmission losses ? (i usually balk when i hear 'fuel cell' because i think of people being tricked into thinking hydrogen is an energy source..)
"The stone age didn't end for a lack of stones"... correct, we'll be right back there.