Erik wrote:
Well if we're going to eat meat, we should at least make the most of each and every little bit... yum yum.
Fully agree!
A friend once told me they like meat but admitted to having some secret rules:
1. Meat must never look like it was ever an animal: so they eat fishfingers, sausages, chicken slices, paste etc but never chicken legs or fresh fish (especially if it still has its head on).
2. They could never eat entrails and internal organs (offal) or snails as that would be too "yucky".
3. "Cute" animals are out (e.g. rabbits, hares, deer and duck).
I respect anyone who is a vegan or doesn't eat meat but if you do eat meat the above sort of (I suspect quite common) rules seem to me pathetic and maybe even immoral.
1. If you eat meat you should, in theory, be up to killing the animal yourself; be prepared to face the consequences of your actions! You are not morally superior for getting someone else to do it for you.
2. Being fussy and not eating certain parts is a luxury not enjoyed by much of the world throughout history. A waste of food, the dead animal won't thank you. Not admirable at all. Try liver after soaking overnight in a good marinade - with onions and mash, delicous!
3. I fail to see the justification for eating pigs (an intelligent animal) but not eating a "cute" rabbit, kangaroo, squirrel or a "yucky" snail.
Personally I favour local food, eating less meat but appreciating it more, and free-range.