Children imagine a flying future

How will oil depletion affect the way we live? What will the economic impact be? How will agriculture change? Will we thrive or merely survive?

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Post by Bootstrapper »

Grinu wrote:What happens when half the country can't afford enough food, heating, and clothing?
Revolution! :cry:
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Post by mikepepler »

grinu wrote:Going back to the first post...My dad said when he was at school, the teachers used to say that everyone would have their own private aeroplane in 20yrs time (i.e. a few years ago). I think most people have unreal expectations when they're young, it's all part of growing up isn't it.
OK, so we didn't get our personal aeroplanes, but we did get flights so cheap that almost anyone in the UK can afford them. My point is that the dreams we had as children have sometimes been partially fulfilled, while the dreams of today's children are probably not going to come anywhere close to that.

I think our nation would be much more likely survive PO intact if we are psychologically prepared for it. A part of that could be helping children understand that things won't carry on the way they are now, and encouraging them to dream of a world that is really better (in a sustainable sense), rather than just more fantastic (in a sci-fi sense). I know adults need to do this too, but children can maybe adjust more quickly, as their current views are not yet set in stone.
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Post by grinu »

True. Very true. Everyone needs to change their expectations and it's not an easy thing, especially if they've been ingrained in you from an early age.

(I was on my soap box a bit last night)... :)
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