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Buying from a Cash & Carry
Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 17:00
by Ippoippo
Hmmm. Just looking at starting my emergency stockpile going... and looking at a few threads here, a lot of people are buying stuff from Cash & Carry places.
The problem is, how on earth do you get the membership cards. I understand you have to be a business and have documentary proof that you are a business (or self-employed) to do this. So, what would one do if they aren't?
Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 17:06
GavinT wrote:
I understand you have to be a business and have documentary proof that you are a business (or self-employed) to do this. So, what would one do if they aren't?
Think of a name, register it with
Companies House, tell them you're a handy-man or something and bam you're a company*.
*Note, it may not be that simple.
Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 17:13
by Ippoippo
XENG wrote:GavinT wrote:
I understand you have to be a business and have documentary proof that you are a business (or self-employed) to do this. So, what would one do if they aren't?
Think of a name, register it with
Companies House, tell them you're a handy-man or something and bam you're a company*.
*Note, it may not be that simple.
Can't be that simple can it
I think not.... but if it is, suppose I could do some free-lance software engineering... not sure why I need lots of food to do that job though
Feeling rather frustrated by it all at the moment. Phase one of preparation is complete (get away from Japan, and back to UK, lesser of two evils... Japan was the better place before I became peak aware). Phase 2 is to build up emergency supplies, should SHTF before I can do Phase 3.
Phase 3 is to sort out living arrangements. This one is a bit of a tough one though. There's still the conflict about "Don't buy a house, because you go into debt" vs "Don't rent a house, because in rented space, you can't make PO Future proof upgrades like PV, Windpower, Insulation etc".
Suppose I should try read through the archives and gleem the latest thoughts on this.
Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 17:18
by clv101
GavinT wrote:Phase one of preparation is complete (get away from Japan, and back to UK, lesser of two evils... Japan was the better place before I became peak aware). Phase 2 is to build up emergency supplies, should SHTF before I can do Phase 3.
Phase 3 is to sort out living arrangements. This one is a bit of a tough one though. There's still the conflict about "Don't buy a house, because you go into debt" vs "Don't rent a house, because in rented space, you can't make PO Future proof upgrades like PV, Windpower, Insulation etc".
Hi Gavin, could you write a few notes on your UK>Japan conclusion from a peak oil point of view. I'm sure several people would be interested.
Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 17:31
by Keela
I got a Makro card when I was selling books (none of which I bought from Makro) and bought food for the family using their card - no-one asked any questions.
I now use Musgraves, but have to take my OH when I go as he is the registered one. I'm now a teacher....
A friend breeds dogs and has a Makro card through that! So go for it.
Re: Buying from a Cash & Carry
Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 22:20
by Cycloloco
GavinT wrote:...., a lot of people are buying stuff from Cash & Carry places.
The problem is, how on earth do you get the membership cards. I understand you have to be a business and have documentary proof that you are a business (or self-employed) to do this. So, what would one do if they aren't?
Start taking people in for B&B. Get your establishment advertised in the local tourist brochure and collect your C&C card.
Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 03:26
by kenneal - lagger
When we wanted a Macro card all they required was a letterhead, which you can print off from a PC. Our business is a farm and Macro don't sell animal feed!!
Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 08:36
by stumuz
I have never been to a cash and carry, but how much cheaper are they?
For example tinned tomatoes are 13p a 400g tin, corned beef 49p a tin, flour 16p a 1.5kg bag from the local cheapo supermarket.
Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 10:25
by simonrichards912
You're probably better off buying in Asda or Tesco. They are probably cheaper.
Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 10:37
by Keela
Except where you can buy larger sacks of stuff.
12kg of porridge for ?5 for example - but all in one paper sack.
Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 13:25
by Ippoippo
clv101 wrote:
Hi Gavin, could you write a few notes on your UK>Japan conclusion from a peak oil point of view. I'm sure several people would be interested.
Sure, when I get the chance sometime this week, I'll try to knock something up.
Cycloloco wrote:
Start taking people in for B&B. Get your establishment advertised in the local tourist brochure and collect your C&C card.
Hmmm,, wouldn't that require me to have a place where I do B&B?!
Sometime I feel like I'm going around in circles.
Posted: 23 Jan 2007, 17:38
by Vortex
A few supermarket branches provide trade size sacks of stuff for B&Bs etc ... could be much cheaper than a cash & carry.
Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 01:15
by bigjim
Gavin: I don't see why you couldn't set up a limited company. It may cost you a small fee to register one with Companies House. From what I can remember from my days at the Inland Revenue, you can either declare the company as having zero employees (just the directors, of which you'd be one) and pay no salaries or dividends out of it, or set the company as dormant in which case you shouldn't get any bother at all. And if you're an IT worker, you can always use contracting as a cover if you find you do need a legit reason for the company (although I don't think you will).
And if you declare your company as having zero employees you can file your end of year P35 online (due by 5th May) and receive ?150 from HM Revenue and Customs this year!
You might be able to buy an off-the-shelf company from an accountant; I'm not sure how much they'll charge for this though. Probably a disproportionate amount for the work involved I'd guess.
Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 04:29
by kenneal - lagger
I don't think you need to go as far as BigJim is suggesting. If you contact the Cash and Carry you want to use and ask them what ID they require, I think you will find that most only want a letterhead. That can be for any type of business.
Even an office type business will do as you'll require tea bags and coffee by the bucket load, cleaning products, office furniture, paper, computers, WON'T YOU!!. All stuff that most big cash and carrys provide.
If you're buying in bulk, you have to watch their prices though as they are often more expensive than buying loads of small bags/cans from a supermarket.
Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 08:50
by Vortex
Some C&Cs validate you via your VAT number ... no VAT number, no card!