Doomsday Preppers - Nat Geo Channel

What changes can we make to our lives to deal with the economic and energy crises ahead? Have you already started making preparations? Got tips to share?

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Doomsday Preppers - Nat Geo Channel

Post by featherstick » ... -preppers/

This caught my eye in the gym - might be worth watching if any one of us needs to feel a bit more normal.
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Post by Kentucky Fried Panda »

One of the funniest reality shows ever made. I've watched them all because they're absolutely hilarious.

My fave is the father who shoots himself while teaching his kids to shoot out in the desert. Just a pity it was only a thumb and not something more substantial.
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Post by jonny2mad »

The thumb shooting incident :shock:
"What causes more suffering in the world than the stupidity of the compassionate?"Friedrich Nietzsche

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Post by Kentucky Fried Panda »

jonny2mad wrote:

The thumb shooting incident :shock:
Yeah, his gun "misfired" while his hand was in front of the muzzle... It's a pity they didn't his oldest kid's comments on that clip.
Talk about the moment when a kid realises that his Dad is actually an arsehole. :lol:
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Post by DominicJ »

Saw it advertised, figured it would be nutters rather than rubies
I'm a realist, not a hippie
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Post by jonny2mad »

well I just looked at one episode and you have some quite prepared people, and are they nutters when you consider how fragile our system is ..

Clips from LA riots, imagine what fast crash and dieoff would look like

:shock: :shock: :shock: 6 billion about to die from climate change

:shock: stocking up on food and bullets seems a idea
"What causes more suffering in the world than the stupidity of the compassionate?"Friedrich Nietzsche

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Post by Kentucky Fried Panda »

Yes, they are nutters, they're not all bonkers in the same way, but they're mostly go it alone nutjobs who think that barrels of mylar bagged wheat and thousands of rounds of ammo will keep them safe.

Even the aged hippies who live in the old missile silo seem quite sane and community based, but ultimately they just want to spark up doobies for as long as they can.

While each of them individually may have one thing to offer, not one of them can see outside of the little world they have created for themselves. There's no complete package of skills on show here. I hope those well rounded prepared people are the ones who ran a mile at the idea of discussing their preps with the world.
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Post by northernraider »

Actually I did glean a few useful snippets to go with my own preps up here in Co Durham, I agree many of them have irrational ideas but their opsec has gone out the window by being featured on Nat Geo.

The best and most level headed prepper I have seen so far is the first chap in episide four who is planning for economic collapse.

I'm just amazed by how much food our American peers manage to set aside, I struggle to keep six months grub for four peopleand they often have ten years worth for 20 people!!

They definately do have the advantage over family / group security with their acess to fire arms, It wrankles me to have to rely on crossbows and compound bows, but you have to work with what you've got.

I note that in the UK preppers community ever more of us are planning on bugging in rather than bugging out now. Folks are relocating away from the towns and cities and setting up home where they will make their stand.
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Post by Kentucky Fried Panda »

northernraider wrote: They definately do have the advantage over family / group security with their acess to fire arms, It wrankles me to have to rely on crossbows and compound bows, but you have to work with what you've got.
Have you got a criminal record then? That or having some medical/mental condition is all that would stop you owning shotguns/firearms in the UK.
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Post by JavaScriptDonkey »

I was wondering that as well.

In the UK a shotgun can be bought and kept at home so long as you have a UK Shotgun Certificate (SGC). These are available to everyone of age on request and it is up to the local constabulary to deny it if the can show good reason. As you said good reason includes some jail time or maybe a history of mental illness.

Anything more than a 2+1 shotgun requires a Fire Arms Certificate (FAC). These are available only if you can show good reason for needing to own a given weapon and often come with restrictions regarding usage and the amount of ammunition that can be held.

Handguns are completely illegal unless you are on a special list including politicians, royalty and people in Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man.

Hollywood tells me our American friends can just pop to the local shops and buy pretty much whatever they want.

AR15, AK47, Colt 1911, SMLE.

I think I prefer the US system.
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Post by northernraider »

JavaScriptDonkey wrote:I was wondering that as well.

In the UK a shotgun can be bought and kept at home so long as you have a UK Shotgun Certificate (SGC). These are available to everyone of age on request and it is up to the local constabulary to deny it if the can show good reason. As you said good reason includes some jail time or maybe a history of mental illness.

Well Sir. being a prepper of the old school I make it a point to minimise my footprint where possible on officialdoms files. So I choose not to get flagged on the polices system as being a registered shotgun keep or registered Fire arms owner. Some of my mates on SUK choose To take that extra risk and some do not, I think its about 50 / 50.

Its the same approach when bulk buying grub, fuel etc, not buying everything from the same place, not using credit cards, not using customer loyalty cards, not buying from the same place every shopping trip etc etc ad infinitum. If there is no paper record of bulk food getting delivered the system cannot sieze it, Simples :P
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Post by Kentucky Fried Panda »

I see, so are you a registered paranoid?

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Post by featherstick »

Doesn't stop you buying an air rifle and a couple of thousand pellets for cash at a country sports store miles away from your house. Might be my next purchase too.
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Post by Tarrel »

featherstick wrote:Doesn't stop you buying an air rifle and a couple of thousand pellets for cash at a country sports store miles away from your house. Might be my next purchase too.
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Post by northernraider »

featherstick wrote:Doesn't stop you buying an air rifle and a couple of thousand pellets for cash at a country sports store miles away from your house. Might be my next purchase too.
Got a Tench modified BSA ULTRA Tactical carbine in 22, fitted with bipod, ex P rails, better silencer etc. The tench mods ensure I get over 85 full power shots from one fill compared to 45 ish on an unmodded carbine. great vermin control tool, no good for two legged vermin cept as intimidation. Its a lovely very compact lightweight carbine.
I managed to persuade Tench let me watch him doing the conversion in his workshop, the guy is a airgun genius, anyone fancying a precharged take a look.

My previous old bunny basher was another BSA springer converted to a Theoben gas strut, another good tool.

But boy are we having fun with our compound bows at the moment :)
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