[PVpost] Reuben Woods project
Posted: 08 Jul 2005, 12:03
[PVpost] Reuben Woods project This is an edited re-post of a topic that existed before the forums were hit by a virus in June 2005. Please feel free to add comments at the end, however if you are reading this soon after it was posted, it's likely that more 'old' replies will be added in the next hour or so and therefore please wait before replying a) to see if your point will be covered and b) to let the original sequence of posts make sense.
Thank you
This is the thread for talking about the Reuben Woods project.
Thank you
This is the thread for talking about the Reuben Woods project.
Reuben Woods has an open letter to all PowerSwitch readers. It is an offer that may just change your life and marks the start of a very interesting project.
Reuben Woods writes:
I am writing this message in frustration of direction of where us peak oilers are going. Sally and I have drastically changed our lives since we discovered peak oil nearly 2 years ago. Despite having three children we sold our car and go everywhere on bikes, we are now the proud occupiers of an allotment and grow numerous veg in our garden. Sally has also set up an organic veg garden at our sons school. We distributed numerous copies of the end of suburbia around bristol and held a peak oil workshop last june. Around three years ago we began to look for a piece of woodland or remote agricultural land to buy so that we would have somewhere to get away to, away from the city and the consumerist society we live in. When we discovered peak oil our need went up for this solitary space as our minds tried to deal with what our children were going to live through. As we read more and more about how our lives would change after the peak and how the government would seize land and there was no point in running to the hills because we would be set upon by gangs from the city stealing our crops and terrorising us" we started to doubt our purchase of land.
I am sure that there are many readers of this site that have changed their lives in similar ways to us and are still feeling alone in their communities in a sense of action regarding peak oil. I am sure that there are many of us who have thought about the purchase of land and the self sufficient life but felt scared at the prospect of doing it alone. After much thought I would like to propose an Idea to Powerswitch readers. I propose that as a co-operative we could purchase a large area of woodland with water (river\stream\spring etc) and start to work together instead of waiting to convince our friends about the crash and waiting for a solution. I personally would like to establish veg gardens build a community space for us to meet and explore ways of producing energy and shelter. I would rather have spent my life exploring dreams of self sufficiency than waiting for an inevitable powerdown in the city.
I am sure that all of you would defend your food and familys in your homes so why would it be any different in the sticks. I think that if we could aim for an initial 20 people investing ?5000 each we could buy a large enough piece of land to start the first peak oil aware community. For example in scotland for ?80,000 for sale is 152 acres of agricultural woodland and grazing land fronting the river devon In Wales 101 acres for ?80,000 and recently 443 acres went in cumbria for 200.000. This is alot of money but if enough people commit then it could become a reality. I think that for a small investment we could all buy a piece of mind and work together for a sustainable future and a strong community. Maybe you could start a link for anyone interested in this idea with a disscussion as to what could be achieved in a peak oil community. This is obviously a very broad outlook on what us peak oilers could do with a piece of land but I think that there are enough of us now with common interests to make something like this work.
Kind regards
Reuben Woods