Skipping quickly over the geography of Gatwick, I think if I were planning a post-climacteric emergency strategy I would want to get as many people who are willing to get out of London and go and stay with friends and relatives as far away as possible. A population dispersed through the shires may be easier to feed.BitSlice10101 wrote:The intent logistically would be to secure important M & A roads which are supply lines around and into the City.biffvernon wrote:Interesting post, BitSlice10101. Could you tell us what the military action you describe might be attempting to achieve?
More importantly to stop any sort of exodus out of London, this would be devastating to the outer counties and the rest of the country who will have enough on their plate to deal with.
Inside the M25 there are two very important Airports, Heathrow and Gatwick...
Any type of shortage or prolonged civil unrest inside London could trigger an exodus out of the City and that won't be allowed to happen because of the knock on effects to the rest of the country and loss of control for the government.
If government were to order the military to prevent a crowd of people going where they want to there could be a problem. I know our soldiers can behave a bit stupidly at times but I don't think government can rely on them shooting their fellow citizens.
Keeping main roads open is important but any big event is going to have a pretty instant effect on fuel supplies so roads are not going to be congested with mums on the school run. Everyone will ask themselves the 'is your journey really necessary' question.