Subject: Fw: Complaint 1360/2012/BEH Ombudsman EFSA 6765364
Reply-To: R MASON
Dear All
The "letter to BH" pdf that we sent Friday pm (31st August) to Europe (Omb, EC, EFSA attorneys) with copies to Ministers and scientists in the UK looks innocuous, but its one we have compiled, after nearly 2 years of research (and being sent docs by our huge global network). It is a 25-page doc entitled Agrochemicals - the Silent Killers; and we have used case reports rather than science, since the EU & EFSA science is so distorted, as I said in the email.
We have concluded with the Verdict from the Jury at the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal last December against the Big 6, held in Bangalore pp 19-23.
I want to get it out, before the EU and UK governments find it on Monday am and try to block my computer, or suppress us (p 19 shows us what they do to people who try to expose them).
It has been posted on some websites. It is on Henk Tennekes website, see below. ... nt-killers
and on John Salt's
Agrochemicals - the silent killers ... posted at:
.... and
The organisations that are supposed to be protecting us have sold the public down the river to the Agrochemical Companies. The EC gave the new Monsanto GM-Roundup Ready soya authorisation 3 weeks ago, EFSA having given it a positive opinion in June. John Dalli has gained approval from at least one MEP!
"I am pleased that commissioner Dalli has stated quite clearly that he will not be rushed into a knee-jerk reaction on a European ban because of pressure from the French government." George Lyon, Liberal Democrat MEP
We have to get this document out to the public. It is not just about bees. They have destroyed human health and the environment.
Buy the Independent on Monday.
Best wishes
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: R MASON <>
To: Euro-Ombudsman <>; GABBISimone <>; VANMOL Nathalie <>; "" <>; "" <>; JohnDalli <>; Dacianciolos <>; JanezPotocnik <>
Cc: JohnBeddington <>; BobWatson <>; "" <>; "" <>; DuncanWingham <>
Sent: Friday, 31 August 2012, 13:18
Subject: Complaint 1360/2012/BEH Ombudsman EFSA 6765364
Dear Dr Hofstotter
For the benefit of Mr Dirk Detken, Head of Legal Affairs Unit, EFSA (I have already explained to Attorney Simone Gabbi in a telephone conversation) I will recap as to how our Complaint to the EU Ombudsman arose. It was in response to a Press release No 6/2012: Ombudsman investigates whether the Commission should do more to combat increased bee mortality, potentially linked to certain insecticides. This had resulted from a complaint from the Austrian Ombudsman Board, alleging that the Commission has failed to take into account new scientific evidence arguing in favour of restricting the use of the neonicotinoid insecticides. The Report on Risk Assessment to bees and other pollinators by EFSA had been published in April 2012, so the EC asked EFSA to consider the new research. This was followed by an annex, published 1st June 2012. In essence, EFSA said they were not satisfied and more research needed to be done to confirm the new evidence against the neonicotinoid insecticides. In fact in the Press Release EFSA stated that the EC had recently given them a mandate to provide an in-depth review of the effects of the neonicotinoid active substances thiamethoxam, clothianidin, imidacloprid, acetamiprid and thiacloprid. This would be published in December 2012. The EC must have tacitly assumed that EFSA would reject the new papers and suggest more studies; which it did.
Dr Hofstötter reminded us on 27th August of the deadline of 31st August 2012, before the Ombudsman closed our case. He regretted that the only way we could get the document we had requested (the Rapporteur Member State’s (RMS) registration document for clothianidin) was through written application to EFSA Executive Director. He kindly provided us with the link. Access to documents held by the Commission is governed by Regulation 1049/2001.
When I read the document, it became clear that we were unlikely to obtain it. In Article 3 Exceptions; included in these were commercially sensitive documents. In Article 4: Those from Rapporteur Member States without permission...
However, in the reply on behalf of the EC to our Complaint (05/07/2012), Michael Flüh had said in point 3: “The allegation as regards the illegality of the registration of clothianidin is strongly rejected. The assessment of clothianidin carried out by an RMS and peer reviewed by experts from all Member States concluded that safe uses for this substance exist.”
Since the RMS registration document for clothianidin is confidential, how are its findings to be verified?
This is just one illustration of the distorted form of science that is being used by the EC to protect human health and the environment. Clothianidin has a half-life in soil of up to 1386 days. The EC Water-Frame Directive does not require monitoring of any of the five neonicotinoid insecticides or the herbicide glyphosate. So each year, new seed and sprays continue to be applied without farmers having any idea of the residues from the previous year. In the Purdue Study from Indiana (2012), field studies showed widespread contamination of the environment and bees close to maize fields: Multiple Routes of Exposure for Honey Bees Living Near Agricultural Fields: “bees close to maize fields were found to be exposed throughout the foraging period: to extremely high levels of clothianidin and thiamethoxam (which is metabolised into clothianidin) in planter exhaust material produced during the planting of treated maize seed; in the soil of each field, including unplanted fields; in Dandelions foraged by bees; in dead bees collected near hive entrances; in pollen collected by bees and stored in the hive. Maize pollen with clothianidin and other pesticides were fed to the new queens.”
We can produce another case to suggest that the EU Regulatory Authorities are dangerously out of control and not fulfilling their legal obligations according to EU Law. Testbiotech, an Institute for Independent Impact Assessment in Germany issued complaints against both EFSA (June 22 2012) for giving a positive opinion on the cultivation of Roundup® Ready Soy within the EU and subsequently the EC (August 9 2012) for authorising GE soybeans with stacked genes. A new legal dossier shows current authorisation practice violates EU law. ... RA_PMP.pdf
Joint action of environmental organisations and scientists against decision of the EU Commission said: “EFSA is assessing the risks of genetically engineered plants very superficially by just applying a simplified procedure. In addition, the EU Commission is not fulfilling its duty to control market authorisations. The current procedure is in contradiction to existing EU regulations. Press Release: Munich/ Brussels, 9 August 2012. Several organisations such as the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) are filing a complaint against a decision of the EU Commission to authorise a new genetically engineered Monsanto soybean. The soybeans will be mostly sold and grown in Brazil under the brand name Intacta, the harvest will be imported to the EU for use in food and feed. The new genetically engineered soybean expresses an insecticidal protein and is resistant to the herbicide glyphosate, commonly known as Roundup®. The EU gave permission for use of the soybeans in food and feed at end of June. However, the European Food Safety Authority EFSA has not carried out the risk assessments for this product in the way as legally required. This is evident from a technical dossier compiled by Testbiotech and from a legal dossier that will be filed to the Commission. The complaint will be been filed under EU regulation 1367/2006, which means there is a chance that the European Court of Justice may become involved on a later stage.
In view of all of these complaints, for our final document to the European Ombudsman we intend to abandon science (the misuse of which by industry, EFSA and the EC has not served the public well). Instead, we intend to submit our final arguments in the form of a series of illustrated case reports, together with commentaries and supporting evidence. In medicine, this is an accepted form of communication in peer-reviewed journals.
Yours sincerely
Rosemary Mason
Palle Uhd Jepsen
Wales UK