The following text by Colonel Sam Gardiner (USAF, Retired) confirms our worst fears. The US is in an advanced state of readiness to wage war on Iran.
To reverse the tide requires a massive campaign of networking and outreach to inform people across the land, nationally and internationally, in neighborhoods, workplaces, parishes, schools, universities, municipalities, on the dangers of a US sponsored war, which contemplates the use of nuclear weapons. The message should be loud and clear: It is not Iran which is a threat to global security but the United States of America and Israel. Even without the use of nukes, the proposed aerial bombardments could result in escalation, ultimately leading us into a broader war in the Middle East.
Debate and discussion must also take place within the Military and Intelligence community, particularly with regard to the use of tactical nuclear weapons, within the corridors of the US Congress, in municipalities and at all levels of government. Ultimately, the legitimacy of the political and military actors in high office must be challenged.
The corporate media also bears a heavy responsibility for the cover-up of US sponsored war crimes. It must also be forcefully challenged for its biased coverage of the Middle East war.
What is needed is to break the conspiracy of silence, expose the media lies and distortions, confront the criminal nature of the US Administration and of those governments which support it, its war agenda as well as its so-called "Homeland Security agenda" which has already defined the contours of a police State.
The World is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, "a long war", which threatens the future of humanity. It is essential to bring the US war project to the forefront of political debate, particularly in North America and Western Europe. Political and military leaders who are opposed to the war must take a firm stance, from within their respective institutions. Citizens must take a stance individually and collectively against war.
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 16 January 2007
I do not accept the notion that the first casualty of war is truth. (Col. Sam Gardiner)
The pieces are moving. They?ll be in place by the end of February. The United States will be able to escalate military operations against Iran.
The second carrier strike group leaves the U.S. west coast on Tuesday. It will be joined by naval mine clearing assets from both the United States and the UK. Patriot missile defense systems have also been ordered to deploy to the Gulf.
Maybe as a guard against North Korea seeing operations focused on Iran as a chance to be aggressive, a squadron of F-117 stealth fighters has just been deployed to Korea.
This has to be called escalation. We have to remind ourselves, just as Iran is supporting groups inside Iraq, the United States is supporting groups inside Iran. Just as Iran has special operations troops operating inside Iraq, we?ve read the United States has special operations troops operating inside Iran.
Just as Iran is supporting Hamas, two weeks ago we found out the United States is supporting arms for Abbas. Just as Iran and Syria are supporting Hezbollah in Lebanon we?re now learning the White House has approved a finding to allow the CIA to support opposition groups inside Lebanon. Just as Iran is supporting Syria, we?ve learned recently that the United States is going to fund Syrian opposition groups.
We learned this week the President authorized an attack on the Iranian liaison office in Irbil.
The White House keeps saying there are no plans to attack Iran. Obviously, the facts suggest otherwise. Equally as clear, the Iranians will read what the Administrations is doing not what it is saying.
It is possible the White House strategy is just implementing a strategy to put pressure on Iran on a number of fronts, and this will never amount to anything. On the other hand, if the White House is on a path to strike Iran, we?ll see a few more steps unfold.
First, we know there is a National Security Council staff-led group whose mission is to create outrage in the world against Iran. Just like before Gulf II, this media group will begin to release stories to sell a strike against Iran. Watch for the outrage stuff.
The Patriot missiles going to the GCC states are only part of the missile defense assets. I would expect to see the deployment of some of the European-based missile defense assets to Israel, just as they were before Gulf II.
I would expect deployment of additional USAF fighters into the bases in Iraq, maybe some into Afghanistan.
I think we will read about the deployment of some of the newly arriving Army brigades going into Iraq being deployed to the border with Iran. Their mission will be to guard against any Iranian movements into Iraq.
As one of the last steps before a strike, we?ll see USAF tankers moved to unusual places, like Bulgaria. These will be used to refuel the US-based B-2 bombers on their strike missions into Iran. When that happens, we?ll only be days away from a strike.
The White House could be telling the truth. Maybe there are no plans to take Iran to the next level. The fuel for a fire is in place, however. All we need is a spark. The danger is that we have created conditions that could lead to a Greater Middle East War.
[emphasis added by Global Research]
Sam Gardiner is a Retired Air Force Colonel. He is an expert in military strategy. He has taught at the National War College. He has also taught at the Air War College, the Naval War College and as visiting scholar at the Swedish Defense College. His Truth In These Podia (pdf) explains the propaganda methods used by the Pentagon to "sell the war".
Iran: Pieces in Place for Escalation
Moderator: Peak Moderation
Iran: Pieces in Place for Escalation
http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?cont ... cleId=4483
I have to admit when I read this stuff it scares the s**t out of me - mainly because I think it is actually quite possible. On a separate note it wouldn't surprise me one bit, following some new atrocity or the outbreak of war, if Tony Blair declared that due to the emerging situation, he had decided to stay on as PM to help the UK through the worst of matters - just a feeling I have - probably completely wrong.....
Real money is gold and silver
There was someone on Channel 4 news (I think it was) last week who was talking about this military build up - he dismissed it as anything substantive as even with this escalation the US doesn't/won't have anything like enough equipment to do anything "useful". He said things like they'll have 170 aircraft but would need 600 for any serious action... they?ll have two mine clearers and would need far more if Iran mined the straights of Hormuz etc...
I don't buy it - I don't think Iran are half as bad as Western media makes out and have a hard time believing even the White House is crazy enough to drop bombs on Iran.
If they do however I guess it confirms the worst case scenarios and the White House must truly believe the game is up!
I don't buy it - I don't think Iran are half as bad as Western media makes out and have a hard time believing even the White House is crazy enough to drop bombs on Iran.
If they do however I guess it confirms the worst case scenarios and the White House must truly believe the game is up!
- Totally_Baffled
- Posts: 2824
- Joined: 24 Nov 2005, 11:09
- Location: Hampshire
Isnt it also true that Irans President Ahmadinejad is under dometic pressure to NOT get in the firing line of the US.clv101 wrote:There was someone on Channel 4 news (I think it was) last week who was talking about this military build up - he dismissed it as anything substantive as even with this escalation the US doesn't/won't have anything like enough equipment to do anything "useful". He said things like they'll have 170 aircraft but would need 600 for any serious action... they?ll have two mine clearers and would need far more if Iran mined the straights of Hormuz etc...
I don't buy it - I don't think Iran are half as bad as Western media makes out and have a hard time believing even the White House is crazy enough to drop bombs on Iran.
If they do however I guess it confirms the worst case scenarios and the White House must truly believe the game is up!
As I understand it - Irans supreme leader Khamene disapproves of Ahmadinejad's provocative international stance, and is also worried about the handling of the domestic economy.
Also - allies to Ahmadinejad have recently lost a number of key dometic elections, which is weakening his power base.
I think maybe all the US has to do now is to wait it out - internal strife in Iran could do all the work for them.
There is a good article on this , in this weeks Economist magazine. All is not well for the Iranian leadership.
If the US was about to take on Iran , I think we would see FAR MORE than one more carrier group moving to the gulf. They have less there now than when they started the bombing on Iraq!!
Peak oil? ahhh smeg.....
Peak oil? ahhh smeg.....
http://www.voicesuk.org/Totally_Baffled wrote: If the US was about to take on Iran , I think we would see FAR MORE than one more carrier group moving to the gulf. They have less there now than when they started the bombing on Iraq!!
The following recent events have led to widespread suspicions that a US/ Israeli attack on Iran is imminent:
* Additional aircraft carriers deployed to the Persian Gulf.
* US Patriot missiles just deployed to the Persian Gulf.
* F16 fighter planes just deployed to the Incirlik base in Turkey.
* Increased number of US nuclear submarines in Persian Gulf.
* Admiral Fallon named Centcom commander.
* Israeli pilots training for Iran bombing mission.
* Increased rhetoric and provocations against Iran.
The F-16s can deliver B61-11 nuclear bunker busters, and there may be such bombs at Incirlik.
A conventional aerial attack against Iran will not destroy the underground facilities that Israel and the US have set their sight on. And it will provoke a violent Iranian response, with missiles targeting US forces in Iraq and Israeli cities. The US administration will argue that these missiles could potentially carry chemical or biological warheads as "justification" for nuclear strikes on Iran, as anticipated in the new US nuclear weapons policies, to achieve "rapid and favorable war termination on US terms."
- Totally_Baffled
- Posts: 2824
- Joined: 24 Nov 2005, 11:09
- Location: Hampshire
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0, ... 74,00.htmlomega3 wrote:http://www.voicesuk.org/Totally_Baffled wrote: If the US was about to take on Iran , I think we would see FAR MORE than one more carrier group moving to the gulf. They have less there now than when they started the bombing on Iraq!!
The following recent events have led to widespread suspicions that a US/ Israeli attack on Iran is imminent:
* Additional aircraft carriers deployed to the Persian Gulf.
* US Patriot missiles just deployed to the Persian Gulf.
* F16 fighter planes just deployed to the Incirlik base in Turkey.
* Increased number of US nuclear submarines in Persian Gulf.
* Admiral Fallon named Centcom commander.
* Israeli pilots training for Iran bombing mission.
* Increased rhetoric and provocations against Iran.
The F-16s can deliver B61-11 nuclear bunker busters, and there may be such bombs at Incirlik.
A conventional aerial attack against Iran will not destroy the underground facilities that Israel and the US have set their sight on. And it will provoke a violent Iranian response, with missiles targeting US forces in Iraq and Israeli cities. The US administration will argue that these missiles could potentially carry chemical or biological warheads as "justification" for nuclear strikes on Iran, as anticipated in the new US nuclear weapons policies, to achieve "rapid and favorable war termination on US terms."
Yep and this said the same thing in 2005 (and in 2004 but I cannot find the article)
Its sabre rattling, they use it all the time. If there was war everytime the US rattled its sabre - the world would be a nuclear wasteland by now lol
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0, ... 85,00.htmlA senior White House source said the threat of a nuclear Iran was moving to the top of the international agenda and the issue now was: ?What next?? That question would have to be answered in the next few months, he said.
Defence sources in Israel believe the end of March to be the ?point of no return? after which Iran will have the technical expertise to enrich uranium in sufficient quantities to build a nuclear warhead in two to four years.
And BTW, here is what the UK government thinks of it!(from last April)
JACK STRAW sought yesterday to silence renewed sabre-rattling from hardliners within the US Administration who are pressing for military action ? even the use of tactical nuclear weapons ? against Iran.
The Foreign Secretary described the idea that the White House wanted a nuclear strike as ?completely nuts?. He insisted that Britain would not support pre-emptive military action, adding: ?I?m as certain as I can be sitting here that neither would the United States.?
Peak oil? ahhh smeg.....
Peak oil? ahhh smeg.....
. . . immediately before he was sacked as Defence Secretary.Totally_Baffled wrote:And BTW, here is what the UK government thinks of it!(from last April)
JACK STRAW sought yesterday to silence renewed sabre-rattling from hardliners within the US Administration who are pressing for military action ? even the use of tactical nuclear weapons ? against Iran.
The Foreign Secretary described the idea that the White House wanted a nuclear strike as ?completely nuts?. He insisted that Britain would not support pre-emptive military action, adding: ?I?m as certain as I can be sitting here that neither would the United States.?
Andy Hunt
Eternal Sunshine wrote: I wouldn't want to worry you with the truth.
- Totally_Baffled
- Posts: 2824
- Joined: 24 Nov 2005, 11:09
- Location: Hampshire
Ah ha! True.Andy Hunt wrote:. . . immediately before he was sacked as Defence Secretary.Totally_Baffled wrote:And BTW, here is what the UK government thinks of it!(from last April)
JACK STRAW sought yesterday to silence renewed sabre-rattling from hardliners within the US Administration who are pressing for military action ? even the use of tactical nuclear weapons ? against Iran.
The Foreign Secretary described the idea that the White House wanted a nuclear strike as ?completely nuts?. He insisted that Britain would not support pre-emptive military action, adding: ?I?m as certain as I can be sitting here that neither would the United States.?
Did he let the cat out of the bag with...
He was very close to Condi Rice (even took her to Blackburn - blimey I wonder where he would take his enemies !LOL)?I?m as certain as I can be sitting here that neither would the United States.?
So I think they are just rattling the sabre- the yanks didnt want the "option" of a military strike removed from the table - it weakens there negotiating position.
So Mr Straw was sacked.
You cannot tell me that Beckett favours a nuclear assault on Iran? (didnt she have really anti nuclear views?)
Peak oil? ahhh smeg.....
Peak oil? ahhh smeg.....
TB - is this what you believe or what you want to believe?
No offense meant of course, just that there sounds to be a bit of "hopefully" in the above......
I certainly hope you are right!
But it is my opinion that the US will not allow Iran to have nuclear warheads in any scenario. How and when they will prevent it, is I suppose anybody's guess. But imo they will and I think a lot of people know this.
No offense meant of course, just that there sounds to be a bit of "hopefully" in the above......
I certainly hope you are right!
But it is my opinion that the US will not allow Iran to have nuclear warheads in any scenario. How and when they will prevent it, is I suppose anybody's guess. But imo they will and I think a lot of people know this.
Real money is gold and silver
- Totally_Baffled
- Posts: 2824
- Joined: 24 Nov 2005, 11:09
- Location: Hampshire
Likewise with your view, right back at you!!TB - is this what you believe or what you want to believe?
And given that this should of already happened (according to the pessimists) in 2004 , 2005 , and 2006.....
And what did happen to your IOB snow ? Or is that now March 2008?
Do you mean like North Korea?But it is my opinion that the US will not allow Iran to have nuclear warheads in any scenario. How and when they will prevent it, is I suppose anybody's guess. But imo they will and I think a lot of people know this.
Peak oil? ahhh smeg.....
Peak oil? ahhh smeg.....
This is nasty sh*t, and I dont know what to believe. On one hand I think that nobody in either the US or Israel could be so crazy as to attack Iran, but on the other hand I see how crazy it was to attack Iraq, and that actually happened.
If the Bush is forced to abandon Iraq, then Iran will suddenly have significant influence in the region, and the US will loose influence big time. They might actually be crazy enough to try to nuke Iran just to destabilize the region and quench any upcoming nation. But on the other hand, this sabre-rattling has gone on for quite some time now, and Dmitry Orlov think that it is just saber rattling.
Well, well, off to buy some more salt and potatoes. Just in case...
If the Bush is forced to abandon Iraq, then Iran will suddenly have significant influence in the region, and the US will loose influence big time. They might actually be crazy enough to try to nuke Iran just to destabilize the region and quench any upcoming nation. But on the other hand, this sabre-rattling has gone on for quite some time now, and Dmitry Orlov think that it is just saber rattling.
Well, well, off to buy some more salt and potatoes. Just in case...
- Totally_Baffled
- Posts: 2824
- Joined: 24 Nov 2005, 11:09
- Location: Hampshire
I agree it would be crazy to attack Iran , but Im not sure attacking Iraq was in the same league (can you have varying degrees of crazyness? )This is nasty sh*t, and I dont know what to believe. On one hand I think that nobody in either the US or Israel could be so crazy as to attack Iran, but on the other hand I see how crazy it was to attack Iraq, and that actually happened.
Iraq was/is defenceless(unlike Iran), there was little chance of seriously upsetting the Chinese (unlike Iran because of oil and gas investments), when iraq was invaded allied troops were not overstretched etc etc.
Iraq was a gamble that failed. Iran is just plain political and economic suicide.
Just MO
Peak oil? ahhh smeg.....
Peak oil? ahhh smeg.....
I wonder whether the original article and much of the anti war movement isnt being payrolled by people like the Iranians , and I attended quite a few marches against the Iraq war .
Its allways the americans are evil but no one seems to look at what the Iranians are like , during the Iran Iraq war they used to give little brainwashed kids plastic keys and put them in front of tanks to clear mines ,the keys were symbols of their key to paradise by dieing.
They also boast that they have tens of thousands of martyres ready to blow themselves up .
For years the Iranian leadership have been saying that they intend destroying Isreal, jews are demonised in films where they murder arab children and drink their blood much like the sort of films made during the third reich .
Generally I think both sides are ropey we have used du and turned Iraq into some sort of nuclear wasteland but that doesnt blind me to what the mullahs are or what they will do with nuclear weapons .
If your prepared to give a generation of children plastic keys and see them die why would you worry about your whole country being blown up , so I think if they get nukes they will most likely use them
Its allways the americans are evil but no one seems to look at what the Iranians are like , during the Iran Iraq war they used to give little brainwashed kids plastic keys and put them in front of tanks to clear mines ,the keys were symbols of their key to paradise by dieing.
They also boast that they have tens of thousands of martyres ready to blow themselves up .
For years the Iranian leadership have been saying that they intend destroying Isreal, jews are demonised in films where they murder arab children and drink their blood much like the sort of films made during the third reich .
Generally I think both sides are ropey we have used du and turned Iraq into some sort of nuclear wasteland but that doesnt blind me to what the mullahs are or what they will do with nuclear weapons .
If your prepared to give a generation of children plastic keys and see them die why would you worry about your whole country being blown up , so I think if they get nukes they will most likely use them
Here's a relevant and (if it's true) scary thread on the LATOC forum. The original has lots of links to the sources of information the writer quotes.
[BTW jonny2mad please note, just in case there's any doubt in your mind, this is not an invitation for you to start droning on about islam. If you are going to post (and it's not obligatory) try to stick to Omega3's original topic. If you can?t help yourself, please post it elsewhere, preferably not on PowerSwitch.]
What do you all think?http://www.peakoilstore.com/forum/index.php/topic,1534.0.html wrote:I think all of us are aware that there is a considerable Naval build up in the Persian Gulf, that Patriot missiles are currently being shipped to the Middle East to "protect friendly Arab nations" , that additional troops are being deployed to Iraq and that the media is rife with "The Iranian Nuclear Threat", despite unbiased research that this is not an imminent threat and that Iran will need civilian nuclear power to offset declining oil production if it is to remain a modern civilized nation. The air is thick with rumours of impending attack and there is speculation that orders have already been given.
It also is apparent that Israel will take the initiative to attack Iran if America fails to do so and there is some evidence that they have already been thwarted by the US in actually carrying out a nuclear attack. Many analysts and think tanks are busy predicting the outcome of such an attack as evidenced by the recent report issued by ING.
While this attack on Iran is clearly being contemplated by the US and Israel as serving in the interests of dollar hegemony and control of the entire Middle Eastern oil reserves might there not be other forces at work?? Might the US and Israel be the victims of an elaborate trap designed to destroy arguably the most dangerous power alignment to ever threaten the Earth?? Could this possibly be true?? Let?s examine geopolitical events of late from this perspective.
First let?s understand the ramifications of the coalition that Putin is forming between India, China, Russia and Brazil. This will reshape the United Nations. Russia and China are permanent members of the security council, India and Brazil are soon perhaps to be. This coalition has three fourths of the world?s population, the largest amount of natural resources, and the largest pool of technical and scientific talent. Note also that in 2004 the IAEA issued Brazil a permit to commence the experimental stage of uranium enrichment.
This is far from the whole picture as the coalition automatically includes the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which is presently comprised of China, Russia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Iran.
Then there was the announcement of a China-Kazakhstan pipeline agreement, worth $3.5 billion dollars and then the signing of a huge natgas deal between Beijing and Tehran worth $100 billion. This entails the annual export of some 10 million tons of Iranian liquefied natural gas (LNG) for a 25-year period, as well as granting to China's state oil company participation in such projects as exploration and drilling, industries, pipelines, services and the like.
It should be clear that this deal puts Iran firmly under China's protection, because any US attack on Iran will impact directly on Chinese National Security by severing its energy resources. It should also be noted that Iran has full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and overall protection by the Russian-Chinese Axis. Perhaps this explains the recent and very publicised test of a Chinese anti satellite system??
I don?t think anyone has any doubts of the importance of Middle Eastern and Caspian Basin oil to the continuance of US economic and military dominance, but what makes us think that the coalition led by Russia and China is impotent? Lets look at the non nuclear conventional weapons balance and possible strategies of this coalition.
Onyx and Sunburn missiles. These are manufactured in Russia and India, and thousands have been sold to China and Iran. Nuclear capable, mach 2+, flying 20 feet of the surface they are capable of destroying any target within a distance of 250 kms. The US or its allies have no countermeasures. The kinetic energy combined with a small conventional charge is more than enough to sink a carrier. These missiles can be launched from quad tubes on ships, singly from 40' flatbed trucks or fighter aircraft. These missiles are widely dispersed in Iran. They are considered "the most dangerous missile in the world" by US military planners.
S-300 anti air missiles. Both Iran and Syria have recently been equipped with the very latest version of this missile, the S-300PMU-2. The range of this missile is in excess of 125 miles, with the ability to acquire and kill targets flying as low as 30 feet. The Russians routinely shoot down random target drones travelling at 5,800 feet per second, and further claim the weapon is easily capable of destroying targets approaching at up to 15,500 feet per second, or Mach 14. Many experts credit this missile as the finest anti air missile in existence. It is rumoured to be able to sniff out and destroy a B-2 stealth bomber
Cruise missiles. Ukrainian arms dealers smuggled 18 nuclear-capable cruise missiles to Iran and China in 1999-2001 according to Ukraine's prosecutor-general. The Soviet-era Kh-55 missiles - also known as X-55s - have a maximum range of 2,500km (1,550 miles).
It should be clear by now that a conventional bombing attack on Iran could be disastrous and that the Russian-Chinese coalition means business and has already outmanoeuvred the US and its allies in the future exploitation of the Caspian Basin reserves. What is in contention now is the future of the Middle East. America risks loss of not only its current supplies from the Middle East from an Iran bombing campaign, which would likely be at least temporarily be disrupted in a wider conflagration, but also the loss of its Gulf of Mexico oil and onshore refining capability.
Unmentioned till now is Hugo Chavez, and Venezuela. Russia has supplied Hugo with 55 Mig29SMTs, Russia?s latest air superiority fighter. These are equipped with the latest Russian plasma stealth system and also equipped to fire the latest generation of Onyx missiles, and intelligence sources report that Hugo is in possession of at least 40 of these missiles. They are based in Venezuela and Cuba. In less than 30 minutes every major US Gulf of Mexico oil platform and oil refinery could be destroyed, with no warning.
The loss or disruption of the current Middle Eastern and Venezuelan oil imports combined with the loss of our Gulf oil and onshore refining capability would collapse the US within 60 days, without the use of any nuclear weapons. It seems evident this is the Russian-Chinese coalition general plan.
America has been manoeuvred into a position where it can no longer gain an ever increasing share of oil resources and maintain dollar hegemony without executing an Iranian attack. America is faced with the prospect of gradual loss of economic and military might, or risking a potentially catastrophic attack, an attack that Israel is determined to execute, whether or not supported by the US.
The only way out of this scenario is for the US to use nuclear weapons, testing the resolve of the rest of the world to retaliate. The ultimate game of chicken. I hesitate to predict how this scenario would play out...
[BTW jonny2mad please note, just in case there's any doubt in your mind, this is not an invitation for you to start droning on about islam. If you are going to post (and it's not obligatory) try to stick to Omega3's original topic. If you can?t help yourself, please post it elsewhere, preferably not on PowerSwitch.]