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Anyone going to the Big Green Gathering?

Posted: 28 Jul 2005, 22:42
by Bandidoz

I heard that in previous years they had sound systems powered by cyclo-generators - with queues of people waiting to pedal like mad to keep them going!

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, 10:23
by theeggman
I wish I could go, but unfortunately not. It might be the sound system that travels around a lot of festivals and I saw up in Edinburgh and Gleneagles for the G8:
They seemed to be generating power to cook as well!

Re: Anyone going to the Big Green Gathering?

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, 13:39
by peaky
Bandidoz wrote:I heard that in previous years they had sound systems powered by cyclo-generators - with queues of people waiting to pedal like mad to keep them going!
I'm going :D Either meet up or leave a message for me (Stephen) at the Men's Dome.

And yes - there are no diesel generators allowed on the site - solar powered cinemas, sound systems, saunas. The Rinky-Dink sounds system is always there which was at the Kyoto protest recently in London and relies on solar, wind and enthusiastic peddalers :)

The whole event is amazing and certainly something I'd recommend - catch Seize The Day in Croissant Neuf ( they were one of the big highlights (amongst many) of my last visit.

Well, it would be great to meet some of you there.

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, 16:59
by theeggman
Seize the day are excellent!

I'm just listening to Chardash, digitally recorded by cycle power, live on the Rinky Dink.

That reminds me, I'll have to get a battery operated CD system - can live without electric light but not music.

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, 22:32
by biffvernon
I saw Baka Beyond with Rinky Dink. Brilliant.