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Idiotic BBC article written by moron

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 19:28
by UndercoverElephant ... ld-florida

"Dead" water park:


Yup, looks pretty dead to me. Not. The article is bemoaning the fact that Disney does not "clean up the park" and "do better."

Why do I have to share this world with idiots? :cry:
"This is prime real estate for them. It absolutely boggles my mind that they would not exploit and use this land in a positive way."
Oh yes, mind-boggling. It would be so much nicer if it was an expanse of gleaming plastic, steel and concrete.

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 20:25
by johnhemming2
Freedom of speech does include the right to write stupid articles.

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 02:20
by vtsnowedin
Maybe it is one of those experiments into what will happen after humans are gone. :roll: Looks like nature is doing a good job of reclaiming the land back to forest.

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 14:32
by the_lyniezian
You missed the part where it said:
Seph says he deliberately avoided making the area look ugly.

"Sometimes in the editing process I can be very creative and portray images creatively enough that they could be pretty powerful. In this case though I wanted it to be portrayed very beautifully.
So it could be that there are areas of the island out-of-shot that do look a lot grottier.