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Google political anomalies

Posted: 01 Feb 2016, 18:24
by UndercoverElephant
Try typing the following into google:

"Labour are"

"Lib Dems are"

"SNP are"

Rather similar, yes?

Now try these:

"Conservatives are"
"Tories are"

What the ****?

Posted: 01 Feb 2016, 19:31
by Little John
Yep. that is no accident.

I am sharing that on facebook

Posted: 01 Feb 2016, 19:34
by UndercoverElephant
Tories are dishonest scumbags who protect tax-dodgers like Google...

Posted: 01 Feb 2016, 19:51
by Little John
UndercoverElephant wrote:Tories are dishonest scumbags who protect tax-dodgers like Google...
The auto-complete (or rather lack of) is their little thank-you for their cushty tax deal