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Never ones to miss an opportunity to supress dissent...

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 15:50
by Little John
Our ruling classes across much of the Western world are busy concocting a narrative of protecting us all from the nasty terrorists via the allowance of the state to legally spy on our every on-line activities. This will include, in due course, the outlawing of data encryption for anyone but, you guessed it, state agencies.

It almost goes without saying now, Orwell was right. ... ign=chrome

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 15:59
by emordnilap
And because democracy doesn't exist (did it ever?) we are unable to vote into government those who oppose this.

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 17:47
by emordnilap
It's also part of what Golem terms 'demonising dissent'. It will become harder for ordinary, well-meaning individuals - you and I - to voice dissent without risking, if not suffering, severe consequences.
Talking about National Security, is very effective in its sphere, but it is just too specifically military to be very useful when it comes to undermining most peaceful, domestic, democratic dissent. What the ‘extremism’ narrative has done, however, is get people used to the idea that there can and should be limits to democratic dissent.

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 18:05
by kenneal - lagger
I will now be sending all my seditious material by post to avoid the geeks at GCHQ. If anyone wants to send any seditious material to me please send it to the "other" address!

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 18:52
by RenewableCandy
Point! Now they've privatised the Posties, they can't even get them to snoop at our mail!!

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 19:45
by Little John
This is going to cause a technological arms-war. I bet, within the next few years, some kind of radio-based, encrypted, torrent-like, non-centrally-controlled, internet system will be set up by hackers.

Posted: 15 Jan 2016, 11:47
by emordnilap
2015 brought further revelations from Edward Snowden via Nicky Hager and others that, not only have the GCSB & Waihopai been conducting mass surveillance on New Zealanders for years (as ABC has said since the spy base was first announced in 1987) but also that they have been spying on a number of other countries (from our Pacific neighbours to Bangladesh and China, on behalf of the US National Security Agency (NSA). Plus spying on Tim Groser’s rivals from other countries during his unsuccessful attempt to become head of the World Trade Organisation. The Government either completely ignored or tried to minimise these damning revelations. The “independent” Intelligence Review can be guaranteed to recommend even more repressive spying agency laws to “protect us from the terrorists”. The Government has embroiled NZ in America’s new war in Iraq (will Syria be next?).

Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 15:48
by emordnilap
Protest is becoming increasingly targeted as a direct response:
Research by Dr. David Bailey provides empirical evidence for what many activists and campaigners have long suspected: that we have entered a prolonged period of dissent characterised by an escalation in the magnitude and diversity of public protest.
A spate of studies and meta-analysis in recent years depict how large-scale citizen mobilisations have been intensifying for more than a decade, reaching a new peak in the past five years.

Posted: 29 Jan 2016, 14:20
by emordnilap

Posted: 29 Jan 2016, 17:41
by biffvernon
I'll have the taupe one, please.

Posted: 29 Jan 2016, 17:46
by Little John
That one was so good, E, I've shared it on Facebook

Posted: 05 Mar 2016, 15:33
by RenewableCandy
FitBits are the new 'selfie drones', I have it on good authority.

Not only do they follow wherever the victim goes, they also relay all his/her vital signs.

Which is why the Renewable getting-fit programme (such as it is) is proceeding without one.

Posted: 08 Mar 2016, 11:39
by emordnilap
RenewableCandy wrote:FitBits are the new 'selfie drones', I have it on good authority.

Not only do they follow wherever the victim goes, they also relay all his/her vital signs.

Which is why the Renewable getting-fit programme (such as it is) is proceeding without one.
You won't be buying the DODGY TAX AVOIDERS Tap then? Nor you, Ken? :lol: