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It's time to say 'No' to our student emperors..

Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 15:20
by AutomaticEarth

Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 15:29
by Little John
On the one hand there is something of a broader argument to be made about super sensitivity and an over inflated sense of entitlement in society. On the other hand, this article is nothing more than a tired re-hash of the older generation's perennial refrain of how the kids are taking the world to the dogs. It's pathetic.

If you want to see a vision of the most pampered generation in history with a biblical level of sense of entitlement, look no further than the baby boomer demographic of the readers this article is aimed at.

Posted: 05 Jan 2016, 10:08
by emordnilap

Posted: 05 Jan 2016, 14:37
by clv101
Little John wrote: If you want to see a vision of the most pampered generation in history with a biblical level of sense of entitlement, look no further than the baby boomer demographic of the readers this article is aimed at.
Spot on, sense of entitlement is the right term. Many don't even seem to be aware of how the deck is stacked in their favour, suggesting somehow that a cheap computer and big screen TV is a worthy replacement for a trashed environment and an economy where despite many more years spent in education young folk still can't find a job paying enough to even think about buying a house.

Posted: 07 Jan 2016, 14:55
by boisdevie
Little John wrote: If you want to see a vision of the most pampered generation in history with a biblical level of sense of entitlement, look no further than the baby boomer demographic of the readers this article is aimed at.
My mum is a perfect example. She's profited nicely by the boom in property prices. Meanwhile her grandaughter has to pay over 10x salary to buy a terraced house. But my mum thinks she deserves all this because like all the others it's 'I've worked hard all my life' blah blah blah.

Posted: 07 Jan 2016, 19:46
by fuzzy
boisdevie wrote:
Little John wrote: If you want to see a vision of the most pampered generation in history with a biblical level of sense of entitlement, look no further than the baby boomer demographic of the readers this article is aimed at.
My mum is a perfect example. She's profited nicely by the boom in property prices. Meanwhile her grandaughter has to pay over 10x salary to buy a terraced house. But my mum thinks she deserves all this because like all the others it's 'I've worked hard all my life' blah blah blah.
bd, thats an excellent blog in your sig, I must donate soon.