Will the good ever prevail?
Of everything that I have read and seen in my life I cannot help to think that good will never prevail against evil, for the simple reason that the good lack the one skill that is needed to obtain power and keep it?ruthlessness! It seems to be the ultimate Catch-22. A truly good person could not be ruthless, and if they were they would cease to be good!
With peak oil on the way I am worried that events to come our going to be exploited by the greedy and ruthless and those of us wanting to create a better society are going to be pushed to the side at best and made to disappear at worst. I for one do not wish to be turned into something I hate, but in the future I will have to make that choice and it scares me to death.
When I think about all the good people at Powerswitch I cannot help to think that we have no chance against the armed force of the government. They can call on the army, police, secret service etc to enforce their will, and what do we have, good ideas! When the SHTF do you think they will be ruthless to keep the privilege in power or will they do what?s good for society? Considering the history of the human race in this regard?we are buggered!
I for one do not believe in heaven and hell, so I do not believe the good will be rewarded, and the bad punished when we die, so where does that leave us? With peak oil looming on the horizon I want to know that we have a chance that good will prevail somehow but I just cannot see it unless we become the thing that we hate.
Will the good ever prevail?
Moderator: Peak Moderation
Will the good ever prevail?
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the conquest of it"
This is key.Pippa wrote:Worry is good but back it up by actually doing something about it.
The more we can do to mitigate disaster the better. It may be in vain, but if you have a conscience it dictates you must do something. If you're thinking of turning bad, remember that you, like most good people simply might be bad at it. There's always someone with bigger teeth.
It could also depend on how you see things. Being ruthless could be in the category of good if that ruthlessness meant people survived. But what about other characteristics such as determination, stubbornness and cooperation? Determined ?good? people stubbornly working together can stand against the ?bad? and win.
When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
The only future we have is the one we make!
Cheery stuff.
Could be that the biggest and baddest thing to contend with might be nature itself.
Could be that the biggest and baddest thing to contend with might be nature itself.
Andy Hunt
Eternal Sunshine wrote: I wouldn't want to worry you with the truth.