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The Banker's Story

Posted: 06 May 2015, 22:03
by Little John
Bankers: Sorry, we lost all your money.
Us: What are you going to do about it?
Bankers: Nothing, you'll have to give us some more money.
Us: Where are we supposed to get that from?
Bankers: You'll have to borrow it.
Us: Who the F--k is going to lend us that sort of money?
Bankers: We will.
Us: But you said you lost all the money.
Bankers: We did. But, you're going to give us some more, so we will lend you that.

This really happened.

Posted: 07 May 2015, 04:21
by kenneal - lagger
I saw that on Facebook and shared it.

It's not, strictly speaking, true because they only needed the money to recapitalise themselves. The money they actually lent came from thin air!

Oh! and by the way you misspelt *anker!!

Posted: 08 May 2015, 10:13
by snow hope

or maybe just *astards :evil:

Posted: 08 May 2015, 11:45
by 3rdRock
After today's election result, it'll be open season for the bankers. :(

Shame on them all.

Posted: 08 May 2015, 13:28
by vtsnowedin
3rdRock wrote:After today's election result, it'll be open season for the bankers. :(

Shame on them all.
Ii don't recall them ever having a closed season no matter who is in office.