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When did this site turn into a pro putin anti america haven?

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 05:06
by fifthcolumn
It has become abundantly clear that this site is nothing to do with peak oil and is instead more about painting America as evil and wilfuly ignoring what Putin is up to.

When the russian bombs start dropping on the UK I wonder if the useful idiots here will clue in.

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 07:03
by Little John
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 07:07
by Mr. Fox
Hmmm... tough one. Probably about the same time the same time the level of hysterical warmongering propaganda bullshit got so preposterous that even plankton with special needs found it an insult to their intelligence. :)

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 11:02
by ceti331
having been into peak oil for a long time..

I remember years ago explaining to skeptical friends,colleagues and family about how oil depletion would kill 2/3rds of humanity .. famine/resource wars.

now what do we have?.. delusional economics .. and building up an external enemy for conflict.

"I told you so"

People are in denial about resource depletion and are looking for scapegoats/external enemies to blame.

its like watching a train crash in slow motion. I have well and truly lost my faith in humanity.

Re: When did this site turn into a pro putin anti america ha

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 11:10
by emordnilap
fifthcolumn wrote:It has become abundantly clear that this site is nothing to do with peak oil and is instead more about painting America as evil and wilfuly ignoring what Putin is up to.
On the contrary, the demonising of Putin and the actions of the US regime are everything to do with peak oil.

BTW, how are you FC? Nice to know you're lurking and occasionally commenting.

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 13:34
by boisdevie
I started supporting Putin when those roubles kept showing up in my PayPal account.

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 16:33
by 3rdRock
Mr. Fox wrote:Hmmm... tough one. Probably about the same time the same time the level of hysterical warmongering propaganda bullshit got so preposterous that even plankton with special needs found it an insult to their intelligence. :)
:lol: +1.

I like Americans. I despise their political system.

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 16:41
by emordnilap
3rdRock wrote:I like Americans. I despise their political system.
This is something often said on this forum and I agree with you.

FC doesn't appear to take that into consideration. :lol:

What not even any rants?

Posted: 27 Mar 2015, 05:41
by fifthcolumn
Disappointed lads (and lasses). I thought I'd at least be able to stir the pot a bit what with the Russian jets etc buzzing the UK's airspace. In other news, yes I'm fine even though I'm among people who talk funny.

So what are the bets that oil per barrel will spike up? I'm reckoning that it might in fact stay low for at least a couple of years before spiking up.

Posted: 29 Mar 2015, 11:28
by Catweazle
I hadn't noticed any pro-Putin bias here, Mad Vlad is as despised as anyone else, but perhaps not referred to as much because he makes little comment on oil related issues.