'wisdom' from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

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'wisdom' from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Post by emordnilap »

...this pattern is the hesitancy of employers to reduce wages and the reluctance of workers to accept wage cuts, even during recessions, a behavior known as downward nominal wage rigidity.
So now you know, folks. It's not about getting blood from a stone. It's downward nominal wage rigidity.
Downward rigidities prevent businesses from reducing wages as much as they would like
Hang on...wages for the bottom rungs have declined in real terms while productivity - and wages of bosses - has gone up. So wage stagnation, higher taxes and outgoings are not enough then? Jeez.

Let me guess...these authors bring in a minimum of $200,000+ annually. What they examine - the inability to cut already low wages - does not apply to them. They even blame this unwillingness to take pay cuts for the Great Depression!

Reports like this make the case for revolution.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
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