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Roads funding: £15bn to be spent on schemes for England

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 11:44
by 3rdRock
A tunnel on the A303 at Stonehenge is among dozens of new road plans to be announced by the government, as part of a £15bn "roads revolution" for England.

The money - initially announced in 2013 - will involve 100 road improvement schemes and add 1,300 new miles of extra lanes to motorways and A roads.

The projects include the tunnel to tackle a bottleneck at Stonehenge on the A303 and improved M25 junctions.

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 12:11
by emordnilap
Whenever I visit England, I perceive an increase in traffic everywhere I go. That's how it seems. We only visit once every two or three years and, last time, there were frightening numbers of vehicles on the M62; 3 or 4 lanes'-worth, pelting along, en masse, at 70 em pee aitch.

So obviously, you need more roads! :roll:

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 13:43
by 3rdRock
More roads = more cars = more roads = more cars. Where will it all end?

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 14:02
by emordnilap
I can think of several instances of new 'relief' roads or whatever that have produced longer travelling times and seemingly busier traffic, whereas in reality it's the same traffic held up at new intersections etc.

And, of course, all the infrastructure that controls traffic becomes a hindrance when (if) traffic levels ever drop.

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 21:13
by clv101
There's a good chance this money will never be spent on new roads. It's being announced now - only to be cut in the next government's first spending review. I'm not holding my breath.

Posted: 02 Dec 2014, 19:35
by Potemkin Villager
It's the way he tells them!