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Monsanto Teams Up With US Military to Target GMO Activists

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 20:24
by JohnB
I thought was was interesting enough to start a new topic, rather than add to an existing one. There are probably signs of this in non GM areas too.
A hard-hitting investigative report recently published by a prominent German newspaper has uncovered some shocking details about the tactics being used by chemical giant Monsanto in assuming control of global agriculture. According to a new investigative report from the largest daily newspaper in Germany alleges that Monsanto, the US Military and the US government have colluded to track and disrupt both anti-GMO activists and independent scientists who study the adverse effects of genetically modified food. ... -activists

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 23:44
by woodburner

Posted: 09 Aug 2013, 09:46
by emordnilap

Posted: 09 Aug 2013, 10:38
by JohnB
emordnilap wrote:Already added, JB. ... 57&#241357
Some things are so important they have to be shared more than once :D.

Posted: 13 Aug 2013, 10:11
by Tarrel
I don't get this. On what basis can they claim a patent on a natural product? Are we talking about a particular variety of Brocolli bred by Monsanto, or Brocolli in total? If the latter, then it's a complete nonsense surely.

We're growing Brocolli in our garden. Where would that leave us?

Posted: 13 Aug 2013, 10:43
by JohnB
Tarrel wrote:I don't get this. On what basis can they claim a patent on a natural product? Are we talking about a particular variety of Brocolli bred by Monsanto, or Brocolli in total? If the latter, then it's a complete nonsense surely.

We're growing Brocolli in our garden. Where would that leave us?
I think it's on a particular type. I think most of the articles I've seen have been based on a misleading source, but I read somewhere that it was actually some special characteristic. I hope so.