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Are guests environmentally friendly?
Posted: 03 Jul 2013, 09:48
by woodburner
We don't have many, but the vacuum cleaner has been running for hours at peak rate in the last couple of days. Would they notice anyway?
Posted: 03 Jul 2013, 12:48
by emordnilap
Are guests environmentally friendly?
Depends, don't it? We have few guests but one couple came on bikes, camped in the garden, shared our food, so "yes". Another couple came in a very thirsty old minibus, ate meat, so "no".
Posted: 03 Jul 2013, 23:25
by RenewableCandy
Ours are better by far in the summer, when no-one expects Chateau Renewable to be heated.
Except that they invariably fly here, and when they get here they want to go sightseeing all over the country. But what can you do? I console myself that they all live more frugally than we do once they get back home again. And they are fun to have around
Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 10:44
by emordnilap
Our dry toilet proves to be a problem for some people and an attraction (!) for others.
We're talking about people here who know us but live the abnormal mainstream life.