Sovereignty - betrayals and lies
Posted: 25 Jan 2013, 13:40
Golem XIV has been hitting the nail firmly on the head. With Cameron seeking a referendum on the EU, this is nothing but a smokescreen because the real powers lie elsewhere:
David Malone wrote:Today the art of politics is to take public concern, anger or bigotry and create a channel for it so that like flood water you can destroy one place while protecting another. Mr Cameron and his flag waving concern to restore Britain’s lost sovereignty is a case in point. The Conservative party has, for years, loved to hate Europe. Their rallying cry, now, is to claim back sovereignty from those johnny foreigners in Brussels.
Imagine the righteousness of reclaiming what was lost. Like a modern Henry V riding out to meet the dastardly French on the field of Agincourt. And yet…
This concern for sovereignty rings very hollow to me. Because whatever sovereignty this nation has ceded to Europe, and it has, it is little compared to that which we gave away without a murmur, without discussion to what is now the WTO (World Trade Organization). And no one, ever, talks about offering the people a referendum about that do they?
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