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sorry guys...

Posted: 12 Jul 2005, 16:56
by kevincarter
I just have to ask. Do you think that any politician in power will ever admit that the system just does not work? Even when SHTF?

Posted: 12 Jul 2005, 23:33
by Bandidoz
You left out the option
I could apologise but I won't :P

Re: sorry guys...

Posted: 13 Jul 2005, 05:47
by isenhand
kevincarter wrote:I just have to ask. Do you think that any politician in power will ever admit that the system just does not work? Even when SHTF?
No, they are part of the system, they believe in the system and too much servants of the system for that. I think it?s more likely they will do their best to prop the system up, which is what they are doing now. Hence the need to by-pass politics.


Posted: 13 Jul 2005, 21:31
by grinu
You left out the bit about them blaming other countries...

Posted: 14 Jul 2005, 02:33
by Bootstrapper
Can anyone recall any occasion, anywhere, at any time, when a politician has admitted they were wrong? :x They seem to have an instinctive aversion to admitting they're a bunch of grasping, corrupt imbeceils who shouldn't be entrusted with a rubber duck in a bathtub. :evil: I can recall many occasions when politicians have insisted they were right, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. :twisted:

Their usual response is to throw vast amounts of (other people's (read - ours)) money at the situation, and/or to commission an "inquiry" who's purpose is to exonerate the politician/party and lay blame on some outside influence. :roll:

Posted: 14 Jul 2005, 05:51
by isenhand
Sounds like nothing has changed! Wasn?t it Aristotle who pointed out that politicians would maintain two contradicting opinions? Politics is all about manipulating people?s opinions, which is fine if opinions are the only thing you have to go on but not when you are dealing with physical reality. Nature does not care for people?s opinions (as King Canute demonstrated).


Posted: 16 Jul 2005, 21:19
by fishertrop
grinu wrote:You left out the bit about them blaming other countries...

You missed off "Everything would have been fine had it not been for Iran, we couldn't have seen that coming, you can hardly blame us for that".