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Good rare earths infographic

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 09:55
by nexus

Article and infographic on technology and rare earth elements.

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 13:12
by snow hope
Sh1t :shock: :cry:

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 20:21
by mobbsey
Covered a lot of that in the book published earlier this year -- ... ainable-it

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 23:09
by biffvernon
I wonder what it would look like had some chemist arbitrarily called them common earths instead of rare earths.

Posted: 01 Nov 2012, 04:36
by kenneal - lagger
It's all down to our throw away society again. But are the economists right and will the market dictate that we should recycle our rare earth metals more effectively or will governments have to intervene and dictate reuse/recycling strategies.