Right here it finally is...
The info in this post is gathered from an editorial in PC Plus magazine (of all places) issue 232 - which also focuses on whether the ID card scheme is "yet another [govt] IT disaster waiting to happen?"
2003 - 1st public consultation on ID cards:
Home Office claims 60% respondents to be Pro ID cards.
This discounted 4800 against responses due to them being the work of "an organised opposition campaign" because they came from the website stand.org.uk .
This meant the actual total was more than 10,000 responses, with %78 against.
ICM poll, Dec 2004 responded:
ID cards a very good idea: 29%
ID cards a good idea: 52%
However, this support is founded on these beliefs:
ID cards fight terrorism (56% agree).
ID cards fight benefit fraud (65% agree).
ID cards help control illegal immigration (60% agree).
Looking at the beliefs a bit closer:
Privacy International reports:
"Of the 25 countries that have been most adversely affected by terrorism since 1986, 80% have national ID cards, 1/3 of which incorporate biometrics".
The govt claims:
ID fraud costs the UK ?1.3bn / year.
The facts (from the home office's own figures):
?50m of that figure is due to benefit fraud.
Most is due to credit card fraud - which ID cards do nothing to address.
www.no2id.net states: An ID card would no more prevent illegal working than the current laws do. Employers who flout these laws ... will ignore these measures.
The London School of Economics states:
"The proposals are too complex, technically unsafe, overly prescriptive ... no scheme on this scale has been undertaken anywahere in the world; smaller & less ambitious systems have encountered substantial technological and operational problems that are likely to be amplified in a large-scale national system."
Some other fantastic govt IT goofs:
In 2002 the dept. of Transport found out that the DVLA database contained 10m too many vehicles.
In 2001, the Commons Home Affairs Select Comittee found errors in 65% of records on the Police National Computer.
Between 1997 - 2003 the govt wasted ?1.5bn on delayed or cancelled IT projects.
Not to give up hope: Andy Robson of the
www.no2id.net campaign states that "early estimated suggest that as little as 2% non-compliance will be required to seriously undermine the whole scheme".