Peak Oil & The Greenhouse Effect
Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 23:19
To paraphrase Descartes: I am no science geek, and I detest doommongering, therefore I am blissfully ignorant and I must detest myself. Let me start again and pose this question in the way a child might, or at least as simply as I can:
As is by now fairly well documented, the worst effects of the greenhouse effect (i.e global mean temperature projected to rise by up to 10 c. etc.) are currently being mitigated by industrial pollution. That is, the volume of "particulates" or specs of nasty soot we are currently releasing into the environment is (arguably) helping to caccoon the planet from the worst effects of "run-away climate change".
However, according to research published recently in 'New Scientist', strict new global energy controls (conservation measures etc) may have 'ironic' effect of removing/lessening this man-made layer of atmospheric protection.
What happens when you throw "Peak Oil", or enforced global energy depletion into this lusty doom-ladened equation? Is this the E=Mc 2 mechanism that spells the end of the line for Mankind?
From this point of view, so what if we work out a way of building zero-emission coal fired power-stations (dream on!?), to capitalise on all the coal that's still left in the ground? We may actually find ourselves having to keep up a certain (high) degree of pollution just to stave off far more life-threatening climate change. Excuse me for being facetious, but might this lead to a situation where we will be begging the Chinese to burn off all their coal reserves, just to keep Co 2 emissions proportionally high enough?
Now isn't that a mighty fine mess we've got ourselves into! Party On Dudes! Oh the genius of Man! I stress 'Man'. I guess it's Time To Be Good Darwinians, I mean, Christians and forgive everybody (even George Bush - as long as he repents and becomes a born-again Green Activist Evangalist NOW!). We're all in this one together baby! So keep a smile on your face and do your bit!
For more info: see
And scroll down till you get to the fetchingly entitled:
"New Global Warming Study: We're Screwed!" posted July 01. 2005
As is by now fairly well documented, the worst effects of the greenhouse effect (i.e global mean temperature projected to rise by up to 10 c. etc.) are currently being mitigated by industrial pollution. That is, the volume of "particulates" or specs of nasty soot we are currently releasing into the environment is (arguably) helping to caccoon the planet from the worst effects of "run-away climate change".
However, according to research published recently in 'New Scientist', strict new global energy controls (conservation measures etc) may have 'ironic' effect of removing/lessening this man-made layer of atmospheric protection.
What happens when you throw "Peak Oil", or enforced global energy depletion into this lusty doom-ladened equation? Is this the E=Mc 2 mechanism that spells the end of the line for Mankind?
From this point of view, so what if we work out a way of building zero-emission coal fired power-stations (dream on!?), to capitalise on all the coal that's still left in the ground? We may actually find ourselves having to keep up a certain (high) degree of pollution just to stave off far more life-threatening climate change. Excuse me for being facetious, but might this lead to a situation where we will be begging the Chinese to burn off all their coal reserves, just to keep Co 2 emissions proportionally high enough?
Now isn't that a mighty fine mess we've got ourselves into! Party On Dudes! Oh the genius of Man! I stress 'Man'. I guess it's Time To Be Good Darwinians, I mean, Christians and forgive everybody (even George Bush - as long as he repents and becomes a born-again Green Activist Evangalist NOW!). We're all in this one together baby! So keep a smile on your face and do your bit!
For more info: see
And scroll down till you get to the fetchingly entitled:
"New Global Warming Study: We're Screwed!" posted July 01. 2005