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'Peak Oil and G8', BBC Radio Oxford, 9am, 6/7/05
Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 20:06
by mobbsey
Hi all,
If anyone's in range of BBC Radio Oxford [95.2FM] I am being interviewed by Anne Diamond about Peak Oil and G8 discussions about the oil price (well, that's what was agreed with them today, but you never know).
I was warned that Anne Diamond in a keen consumer, so I've no idea how the interview will go!
Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 20:26
by mikepepler
When will the interview be then?
Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 21:00
by fishertrop
Any chance the beeb are putting the show on the web??
Bloody Olympics!
Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 10:07
by mobbsey
Got bumped off the show by a live broadcast from Singapore!
Haven't they sussed yet that if there's a mega-recession, due to high oil prices, there will be no money to pay for the Olympics?
Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 10:17
by snow hope
Exactly what I have been thinking mobbsey!
Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 10:18
by fishertrop
Yeah, we're all worrying about whats gunna happen in Q4 this year, an awful lot of people are putting the peak date 2007-2009 and after all of those dates are well-past, we have London 2012 !!
I can well imagine what it might be like.....
Lets hope France get it and do us a favour !!
Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 10:28
by snow hope
Fingers crossed for Chirac!
Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:19
by fishertrop
Damn, the worst possible outcome - we won !
Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:23
by snow hope
So I see. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm