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Free Peak oil and future energy book

Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 09:57
by LorneGifford
I've put my new book 'Six Days' freely on the internet at

The book explains why Peak Oil occurs - It's all about Water Cut if you didn’t know, goes on to apply some simple maths to estimate how much oil will cost as we go into a declining output, before closing with a discussion and some more maths showing where the world will have to source replacement energy.

I’ve kept it to 14,000 words so, at a 2 hour read, you’ll still remember the beginning by the time you get to the end.

I’d really appreciate any feedback, particularly in areas where I might have become over technical and not explained things in an understandable and non-engineering way.

Incidentally, I’m a field development engineer in the oil industry, so hopefully I should know what I’m talking about.

Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 13:20
by Adam Polczyk
Lorne, from what I have read so far it looks very good... well, in a bad kind of way obviously. I feel that contributions such as this from industry experts like yourself are extremely valuable. Thank you for making it freely available.

Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 16:10
by madibe
Lorne, thanks for posting this. I've just started reading and page 1 mentions Thompson Holidays by name. Ditto Tesco's and Ford Focus.

I'm no legal eagle but this might be a potential problem in the making.

Just thought I'd let you know - probably best to refer to the holiday as 'cheap flights inc.' or something.

Hope this is of help. Anything else I notice I'll let you know, if you like.

PS ex marine engineer working in media as technical specialist / tutor, software trainer and tech. author. gulp!

Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 16:20
by LorneGifford
Thanks Maudibe. I never been sure what the legal standing is on mentioning companies by name. I did it in my last book and no one objected. Mind you that was a fiction novel. It's always amazed me that Tesco economy bin bags come from Thailand, no doubt made from recycled plastic bottles that have been shipped from the UK or some other equally distant location.

Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 16:43
by Neily at the peak
I am no legal person either, however the book tescopoly got away with a whole book on why Tesco is not all they are cracked up to be.


Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 16:55
by madibe
Re naming... I'm sure it can be done - just thought best to be safe. Unless you have a publisher with a legal department...

Book is reading very well. You have a brilliant way of explaining things with living examples.


Paragraph "are we at peak oil right now" - first line sould read CAUSED and not CAUSE


Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 17:00
by madibe
Maryam King Hubbert should read:

Marion King Hubbert


Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 17:10
by madibe

"why are we using twice as much oil as our parents"

paragraph 14, line 13


paragraph 21, line 3

PACKED rather than PACKET

Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 17:21
by madibe

"The oil price in 10 years time"

Para 1, line 2

GOODS rather than GOOD

Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 17:30
by emordnilap
Looks good so far LorneGifford but please forgive the pedant in me when I point out that if figures are pluralised, they don't take an apostrophe. :oops:

Oh, and welcome!

Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 17:41
by emordnilap
'scuse me for being just an ordinary thickie here, LG, but are you saying that the current 'global oil extraction' figure of around 80 million barrels is part water? Whether or not, you need to make that absolutely clear for dolts like me. :cry:

Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 17:53
by madibe
Very good read. Can I have it fro free in exchange for services rendered? :D

Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 21:14
by eatyourveg
"What does the longer term future hold?

I originally thought about calling this section ‘What we need to do’. Unfortunately though, that would be a rather naive and misleading title. History tells us that what we should do in order to maximise our future wellbeing and what we will actually do are almost completely unrelated. What we will do is practically nothing."

The people are yeast effect strikes again! I wish I could disagree :(

Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 22:14
by LorneGifford
Many thanks for the feedback so far. It looks like my spelling and grammar are about on par for an engineer! Having declined my previous publishers offer to print the book he obligingly declined to have it professionally edited and proofed for me.

I guess poor old MARION King Hubbert suffered from having a bit of a girls first name,... like myself.

Emordnilap; you're going to have to explain in more basic terms what 'if figures are pluralised, they don't take an apostrophe' means... sorry. To clarify, the current 84 mmbopd global production is oil, after the water has been separated and disposed of. I'll make that clear.

Maudibe; just for you it's free, forget that it's free for everyone else as well.

If you think any parts are too long winded, or equally too briefly covered or not explained adequately then please let me know. The only way to get it right is to be told where it's wrong.

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 01:09
by Eternal Sunshine
Welcome Lorne! Book is interesting so far, but I've just finished proof reading 2 of my daughter's 2nd year university essays so my head is too muddled to concentrate. Will continue tomorrow! :)