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Peak Oil Day Initiative

Posted: 14 Nov 2005, 11:10
by lads

I'm one of he very few peakoilers living in Portugal.

Around here we are trying to make something happen in Thanksgiving.

As you people probably know Thanksgiving 2005 is the symbolic date chosen by prof. Deffeys as the Oil Peak day. The idea is to use this date to bring the Peak Oil issue to the largest number of people possible simultaneously.

Time is short, so major events might be out of the question; but we can use our favorite mean of communication to achieve something, the internet. I believe that if a large number of people mailed every contact in their electronic address book in the same day with the same thing we could achieve something.

This e-mail might be just a short intro on the subject with a bunch of links to the major websites on Peak Oil. Here we have a slideshow in Portuguese almost ready; English speaking folk could just use something already done (there?s plenty over the web), like the flash presentation here in PowerSwitch ( ... nimoil.swf).

To such thing work, first it has to be shared with the largest number of peakoilers possible, then the contents of the message would be roughly defined, and finally in the last Thursday of November the major broadcast would take place.

Anyone wants to join?

Any thoughts on this?

Posted: 14 Nov 2005, 11:47
by thorgal
you could start by looking up the Foreign section of this forum, and post a message in the different international forums listed there. I am a member of a danish and french forum as well. If you post something on those, I can keep your thread alive, and even translate your original message. Don't hesistate to post in english, most peakniks worldwide can understand and speak this language anyway (or is this too much of a wild guess ? :) ).