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$20 Barrel of Oil - when?

Posted: 18 Dec 2008, 19:47
by J. R. Ewing
Well I have to say it's looking more likely than a $100 barrel now over the next few months. If so will this be enough to help repair the economy or won't it make much difference?

Posted: 19 Dec 2008, 08:28
by DominicJ
Not even close.
A burst of inflation is all that will drag us out now, or put off the pain anyway.

Posted: 19 Dec 2008, 10:08
by emordnilap
As money disappears and deflation kicks, $20 will feel like a hundred - way beyond anyone's reach.

Posted: 19 Dec 2008, 18:20
by J. R. Ewing
So Oils not so important for the economy as I thought it was then.

Posted: 19 Dec 2008, 19:11
by MisterE
How do you buy oil and trade in it. I dont share the $20 will seem like a fortune, maybe way off in the future, but if oil dropped to $25 then it might not be ethical but I'd buy some and sell it when it goes back up to $100, then get more prep stuff who knows even some land. I think there will be another few up's and downs before we have the big down. Fingers crossed :-)

Posted: 19 Dec 2008, 19:20
by emordnilap
MisterE wrote:I dont share the $20 will seem like a fortune
Time is all. Not long now...

Posted: 19 Dec 2008, 19:22
by 2 As and a B
I thoroughly concur with that MisterE.

Shell and BP are the big companies on the LSE. CRUD ( :lol: ) is the Exchange Traded Fund (priced directly on the crude oil price). Then there are smaller oil-related companies that have higher price volatility (high risk, high reward). Also the Junior Oils unit trust (or OEIC).

If you want to be ethical, buy one of the alternative energy companies or funds. They follow the oil price fairly closely, for obvious reasons. Black Rock New Energy is an investment trust, INRG tracks a basket of new energy companies.

Posted: 19 Dec 2008, 20:51
by UndercoverElephant
J. R. Ewing wrote:So Oils not so important for the economy as I thought it was then.
Oil is crucial, but a very high oil price is far more damaging than a very low oil price is beneficial.