snow hope wrote:From that Rob Hopkins link, "Your task for the next 10 minutes is to find at least one thing in this room that is not made using oil. "
"This led to lively discussions around what was and what wasn?t made of oil? the only three things one group could come up with were ?ourselves, hair, and the water in that jug?."
Wow! I think this would get the ball rolling with any group of people from about 10 years old upwards (to 100!)
It should be a mandatory class for one period every week in all schools starting yesterday - but of course it never will be.
I've done this with people and they do get the picture but what I can't get through to people is that there isn't 100 years or more Oil left, that there isn't some secret oil stash the government know about but want to use the Middle Easts stash first, we will never use all the Oil that isn't the issue, etc, etc.
So what I ask is how do you get it through to people that Oil could will become a major issue in maybe 2, 5 or 15 years time and not 75 years time?