"No correlation with sunspots then" - is correct.biffvernon wrote:kenneal wrote: I wasn't relating a flu pandemic to sun spots, I was relating an increase in flu transmission to the drop in temperature as this article from New Scientist confirms.Yes, indeedScientists have finally confirmed what your mother knew all along - that flu spreads best in cold, dry weather.
No correlation with sunspots then, or even global cooling, if only it existed.
"or even global cooling," - compare that with "that flu spreads best in cold, dry weather." Biff, you're getting a bit myopic in your old age.
Sunspots, as you know, vary from virtually nothing to sometimes hundreds and back again over an approximately 11 year cycle. This variation in sunspots does not correlate to the weather in any way. What can correlate to the weather is the variation in the length of the cycle and the height of the peak in sunspot numbers. A longer cycle correlates with lower sunspot numbers and a minor lessening of output from the sun while a shorter cycle correlates with higher numbers of sunspots and usually higher output from the sun.
A number of very long sunspot cycles together causes a major lowering of the earth's temperature although the mechanism for this is not understood. Conversely, a number of very short cycles can cause a period of warming; mechanism similarly not understood. We are currently in a period of much longer sunspot cycles with lowering peak sunspot numbers.
We should be preparing for all likely eventualities and arguments over global warming because, while the mechanism of CO2 driven warming is well understood, the mechanisms that drive changes in solar output are not. You're going to look a right pratt if thirty years of global cooling does come about and you haven't warned people about it AND that the warming trend is continuing underneath. If people can be convinced that the cooling trend is only temporary they might be willing to do something about their fuel use over the thirty cooler years. If you've told everybody that global warming means ever increasing temperatures and they get cooling for a while they're going to think you're off your head.
I'm convinced that we're about to get a temporary period of cooling which could be of the Maunder Minimum severity - it's a cyclic thing, which I know you don't like, and it's not caused by sunspots; they are one of the symptoms - so I am warning people that, despite global warming, we may get a temporary cooling.
If I am right about the cooling people will listen to me about the warming trend. If I'm wrong about the cooling I can explain that there are a bunch of people who think that minor changes in the sun's output can cause major changes in the earth's climate and they were predicting cooling. If that cooling doesn't come about I can explain that they were also wrong about the sun causing all the earth's warming.
By being pragmatic I can win out either way. Meanwhile, I'm prepared for some bloody cold winters and cool summers which could cause a shortened growing season. If we don't get a cooling period I'm selling loads of organic tomatoes, cucumbers, melons and squashes from my polytunnels in the future.