James Howard Kunstler puts it this way this week:
http://kunstler.com/blog/2011/08/change ... ve-in.html
(quote) 'There is a welling recognition that the dice have been cast and the world has rolled snake eyes. The WE ARE DODGY is on fire and a flash flood is boiling down the strip. It's no fun running to the exits only to find the revolving doors already eyeball deep in dirty water. America gibbers to itself but nobody has a clue. I'll try to help: this is a compressive financial and economic contraction (one is money, the other is activity). Late-summer storm that it is, it looks to be intensifying. Everything that's super-big is going down sooner or later. The exact sequence of failures is unpredictable. But you can be sure Nature is telling you to get local, get smaller, get finer, downscale, solidify your friendships, and drop your stupid grandiose fantasies about running WalMart on algae. This is change you don't have to believe in, because it is about to jump up and bite you on the lips (/quote).
No Growth Economy
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